Julian Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Julian Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Julian's feelings about his two children:
(a) Seem to resemble the way his father feels about him.
(b) Are typical of Roman men of that era.
(c) Are influenced by his bad relationship with Helena.
(d) Are influenced by his love for Macrina.

2. What is Constantius' relationship to the brothers, Julian and Gallus?
(a) He is their step-father.
(b) He is their cousin.
(c) He is their godfather.
(d) He is their uncle.

3. After the death of the Bishop, Julian and Gallus agree to:
(a) Share the same mistress.
(b) Build a chapel together.
(c) Study Christian scripture together.
(d) Compare their sexual experiences.

4. Eusebia pays a midwife to:
(a) Cut the umbilical cord too short.
(b) Kidnap Helena's child.
(c) Provide herbs and unguents to ease Helena's pain during the birthing process.
(d) Make sure Helena stays in bed during her pregnancy.

5. Alone at the baths, Julian meets all of these people except:
(a) Basil.
(b) Gregory.
(c) Priscus.
(d) Oribasius.

Short Answer Questions

1. Libanius wants to publish Julian's memoirs and asks Priscus to do all of the following except:

2. The person Julian calls "the Galilean" is:

3. Helena's last conversation with Julian before her death concerns:

4. When Constantius visits Julian and Gallus, he brings along:

5. At one point in the Gaul campaign, Julian considers:

Short Essay Questions

1. What do the letters of Priscus and Libanius reveal about the culture and customs that exist in Rome at the time of their correspondence?

2. Who is Sosipatra and what effect does she have on Julian's life?

3. How does Julian deal with his religious doubts, questions and qualms?

4. On numerous occasions, Julian ignores, forgives or excuses his brother's vile behavior. Why do you think he does this?

5. Julian marries Helena in 355. What is their relationship like? Why do you think the relationship is as it is?

6. What happens to Julian when he returns to Rome? What do you think drives Constantius to do what he does to Julian?

7. Why is Priscus reluctant to be involved with the writing/publishing of the Julian manuscript?

8. Julian's friend Oribasius reminds him that he is in possession of a packet of instructions from Constantius and urges him to open the packet. What information is contained in the packet? How does Julian react to the information?

9. Gallus and his wife, Constantia, appear to be cut from the same cloth. What do you learn about them and their tastes and habits?

10. Describe Julian's initiation into the mysteries of Eleusis. Who initiates him and what are some of the initiation rites?

(see the answer keys)

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