Julian Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Julian Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Libanius seeks to secure ______ for Cimon for many years.
(a) Relief from seizures.
(b) A cure for epilepsy.
(c) A Christian education.
(d) Legitimacy.

2. Julian's troops enter Persia and make camp at this river:
(a) The Tigris River.
(b) The Nile River.
(c) The Euphrates River.
(d) The Jordan River.

3. After reading Julian's journal, Priscus learns that Julian:
(a) Never wants to become emperor in the first place.
(b) Wrestles with religious doubts.
(c) Considers suicide as a way of ending his dilemma.
(d) Is angry and frustrated by his general's lack of support.

4. Maximus is put to death for:
(a) Cowardice in battle.
(b) Being a spy.
(c) Practicing magic.
(d) Being a Christian.

5. When the senate does not ratify and obey his edict, Julian:
(a) Filibusters until the senators grow weary and give in.
(b) Dismisses all the opposition senators.
(c) Has the entire senate arrested.
(d) Has three senators publicly flogged.

6. Julian claims to have information that _____ is behind the plot to kill him.
(a) Victor.
(b) Priscus.
(c) Maximus.
(d) Libanius.

7. After his initial confrontation with the Persians, Julian slaughters:
(a) A bull.
(b) A company of men.
(c) A ram.
(d) A flock of sheep.

8. When Julian gives orders for the army to head north, it is a sign that they are headed:
(a) Back to Rome.
(b) Into Gaul.
(c) Towards Macedonia.
(d) For defeat.

9. When Julian officially becomes Augustus, one of his first actions is to:
(a) Annex Switzerland.
(b) Make his birthday a national holiday.
(c) Call for sacrifices to the Hellenic gods.
(d) Declare war on Spain.

10. In Section XX, in order to engage the Persians, the Roman troops have to cross:
(a) A mountain.
(b) A graveyard.
(c) A deep gorge.
(d) A river.

11. Julian tells his generals he is confident he prevails against the Persians because:
(a) A spy tells him that many of the Persians are sick with dysentery.
(b) He has a recurring dream about the victory.
(c) He has information from the gods.
(d) The Roman soldiers are better trained and more courageous.

12. In the year of the famine in Antioch, the leaders of Antioch:
(a) Build an irrigation system to water the parched crops.
(b) Make sacrifices to the deities.
(c) Purchase grain from Egypt.
(d) Do nothing to prepare.

13. Libanius needs permission from ______ to publish his manuscript about Julian.
(a) Cimon.
(b) Theodosius.
(c) Callistus.
(d) Bishop Meletius.

14. Before engaging in battle with the Persian troops, Julian takes a day off for:
(a) Repair of his body armor.
(b) Sacrifice to the gods.
(c) Prayer and meditation.
(d) Games and horse racing.

15. Julian arrives in Antioch on a holiday. It is:
(a) The festival that commemorates the death of Adonis.
(b) The Summer Solstice.
(c) Epiphany.
(d) Christmas.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Libanius is refused permission to publish the Julian manuscript, his reaction is:

2. After Oribasius reports the Oracle's prediction to Julian, Julian instructs Oribasius:

3. With the success of his Persia campaign, Julian boasts to his generals that:

4. Maximus claims to tell about the location and manner of Julian's death by:

5. Several factors exacerbate the food shortages caused by the famine. Among the factors:

(see the answer keys)

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