Julian Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Julian Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Julian learns that Constantius is planning to march against him:
(a) By intercepting a letter.
(b) By torturing a steward.
(c) Through a spy.
(d) From Eusebia.

2. After Helena's death, Julian says he feels:
(a) Confused.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Relieved.
(d) Lonely and depressed.

3. St. Mammas is:
(a) A shepherd whose remains are thought to cure diseases.
(b) An itinerant monk.
(c) A priest who counsels Christians in Rome.
(d) A healer who ministeres to the sick and lame.

4. Once Julian becomes Caesar, he demonstrates all these character qualities except:
(a) Courage.
(b) Cruelty.
(c) Shrewdness.
(d) Ambition.

5. The person Julian calls "the Galilean" is:
(a) Jesus Christ.
(b) Libanius.
(c) Mardonius, Julian's tutor.
(d) Oribasius, Julian's close friend.

6. Julian believes that if he succeeds in taking Gaul:
(a) Constantius allows him to return to Athens.
(b) Constantius begins to trust him.
(c) Constantius retires and names him as his successor.
(d) Constantius rewards him with land and wealth.

7. Libanius plans to title his publication about Julian:
(a) "The Emperor Julian: A True Story."
(b) "On Avenging the Emperor Julian."
(c) "The Truth About the Emperor Julian."
(d) "The Adventures of th Emperor Julian."

8. When the crowd demands that Julian become Augustus:
(a) He joyfully accepts.
(b) He consults the Oracle at Delphi.
(c) He takes Helena's advice and goes to Athens.
(d) He agrees because he has no other choice.

9. Hilarius is:
(a) Julian's favorite magician.
(b) Julian's favorite groom.
(c) Julian's favorite fencing partner.
(d) Julian's favorite dancer.

10. What is Constantius' relationship to the brothers, Julian and Gallus?
(a) He is their uncle.
(b) He is their cousin.
(c) He is their godfather.
(d) He is their step-father.

11. Eusebia pays a midwife to:
(a) Kidnap Helena's child.
(b) Provide herbs and unguents to ease Helena's pain during the birthing process.
(c) Cut the umbilical cord too short.
(d) Make sure Helena stays in bed during her pregnancy.

12. In Gaul, Julian's army is plagued by:
(a) Desertion.
(b) Snakes.
(c) Malaria.
(d) Smallpox.

13. Gallus marries Constantius' sister, named ____.
(a) Constantia.
(b) Eusebia.
(c) Macrina.
(d) Hilaria.

14. What does Gallus do to Hilarius?
(a) He poisons him with hemlock.
(b) He beats him nearly to death.
(c) He imprisons him on false charges.
(d) He breaks his legs.

15. Julian describes the people of Gaul as all of these except:
(a) Neatly dressed.
(b) Ready for battle.
(c) Impoverished.
(d) Well groomed.

Short Answer Questions

1. Julian recalls his father as:

2. Julian excuses his brother's actions by saying:

3. During his time in Athens, Julian is able to go to the baths alone one morning because:

4. Oribasius eventually becomes:

5. Constantius dies of:

(see the answer keys)

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