The Green Pastures Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Green Pastures Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Hezdrel tell God to leave the battle area?
(a) when the bugle blows.
(b) after the battle is won.
(c) in the middle of the night.
(d) as daylight nears.

2. What does God say Pharaoh will do when Moses asks for the children of Israel?
(a) that Pharaoh will try to stop them from leaving.
(b) that Pharaoh will let them go.
(c) that Pharaoh will do greater tricks than Moses.
(d) that Pharaoh will send him to work in the mines.

3. Who is in the King's entourage?
(a) five girls.
(b) Sunday School children.
(c) twenty soldiers.
(d) five preachers.

4. Why does Moses say he plans to stay right where he is?
(a) he says he is too tired to move.
(b) he says the sheep have not cleared enough pasture.
(c) he says he is enjoying the view.
(d) he says something is keeping him there.

5. Who does God select to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into the land of Canaan?
(a) Moses.
(b) Joseph.
(c) Pharaoh.
(d) Ezekiel.

6. How is Aaron dressed when he comes to Moses and God?
(a) as a traveler.
(b) as a field hand.
(c) as a banker.
(d) as a riverboat captain.

7. What trick finally gets Pharaoh to let Moses' people go?
(a) Moses' rod turns into a snake.
(b) the death of the first born sons.
(c) the plague of flies.
(d) the stinging gnats.

8. What are the young people doing in the Babylonian court?
(a) dancing to jazz music.
(b) throwing dice.
(c) singing spiritual songs.
(d) having a fish fry.

9. Why do the cleaners think God's office is so plain and simple?
(a) they think he tires of the golden glory of heaven.
(b) they think he is too busy to redecorate.
(c) they think he fears robbers.
(d) they think he just does not notice.

10. When Aaron arrives, what does God do?
(a) he gives them traveling clothes.
(b) he carries them away to Egypt.
(c) he shows them the tricks they will perform for Pharaoh.
(d) he gives them bags of gold.

11. What does God point out to Moses?
(a) the bush is not burning up.
(b) he is standing too near the fire.
(c) the burning bush gives him light.
(d) the bush is about to start a range fire.

12. Who does God turn to next to save mankind?
(a) Peter, Paul, and Mary.
(b) Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
(c) Moses, Jacob, and Joseph.
(d) Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

13. Why does Hezdrel tell God that the defenders are not afraid to die?
(a) they are all tired of living anyway.
(b) they think they are invincible.
(c) they have faith in the Lord God of Hosea.
(d) they have nothing else to do.

14. Why is God angry with men again?
(a) they have stopped offering sacrifices.
(b) they cannot get along with each other.
(c) they have made the devil king.
(d) they do not attend church.

15. What is Hezdrel carrying when his soldiers come to him?
(a) a bible and a shield.
(b) a sword in his right hand and a sling in his left.
(c) a hoe and a rake.
(d) an olive branch and a sword.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the audience hear that lets them know what is happening on Earth?

2. As Moses walks off with God, what does he not understand?

3. How does God show by His face that he is seeing something unusual on Earth?

4. What is Moses' handicap when God comes to talk to him?

5. What is the big news that Shem imparts?

(see the answer keys)

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