The Green Pastures Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Green Pastures Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to the turkey-berry bush?
(a) its leaves all fall off.
(b) it withers and dies.
(c) it begins to glow red.
(d) it blossoms.

2. What is the big news that Shem imparts?
(a) his wife is pregnant.
(b) he sees land.
(c) he sees a big fish.
(d) the liquour barrel is empty.

3. How many thunderbolts has Gabriel counted in the morning?
(a) 666.
(b) 18,960.
(c) 749.
(d) 2,545.

4. What does God hear every time Hosea passes by his office?
(a) the prayers of Daniel.
(b) a clap of thunder.
(c) the church choir.
(d) the voice of Hezdrel.

5. When God appears to Noah on the deck, what does he say?
(a) that Noah should be ashamed of himself.
(b) that he approves of Noah's handling of the ark.
(c) that Noah must wait a year before leaving the ark.
(d) that Noah should always listen to his wife.

6. Who is in the King's entourage?
(a) five preachers.
(b) Sunday School children.
(c) five girls.
(d) twenty soldiers.

7. How long does Moses say he has been leading the people?
(a) for forty-four years.
(b) for forty years.
(c) for four centuries.
(d) for four years.

8. Why does Hezdrel tell God that the defenders are not afraid to die?
(a) they are all tired of living anyway.
(b) they think they are invincible.
(c) they have faith in the Lord God of Hosea.
(d) they have nothing else to do.

9. Why does God approve of Noah's drinking during the time in the ark?
(a) because there was nothing else to do.
(b) because it kept him dry.
(c) because it helped him deal with Mrs. Noah.
(d) because it was a long steamship ride.

10. Why does one village get singled out for thunderbolts?
(a) because of its loose women.
(b) because of its breweries.
(c) because of its fortune tellers.
(d) because of its casinos.

11. How is Aaron dressed when he comes to Moses and God?
(a) as a banker.
(b) as a riverboat captain.
(c) as a field hand.
(d) as a traveler.

12. What land do Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob declare as the best property on earth?
(a) Rome.
(b) the Tigris valley.
(c) the land of Canaan.
(d) Egypt.

13. What does Pharaoh's throne room look like?
(a) a Negro Lodge meeting hall.
(b) a fancy theater.
(c) the lobby of a train station.
(d) an African tent.

14. Who comes to report about the city of Jericho?
(a) Samuel.
(b) Joshua.
(c) Aaron.
(d) David.

15. How is the illusion of marching created on stage?
(a) the actors march on a treadmill.
(b) the actors march in place.
(c) a strobe light gives the impression of movement.
(d) the stage goes dark and feet stomp.

Short Answer Questions

1. What makes God say, "Yes!"

2. What does God point out to Moses?

3. What is Moses' handicap when God comes to talk to him?

4. Who appears after the King orders the Prophet shot?

5. What is Hezdrel carrying when his soldiers come to him?

(see the answer keys)

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