The Green Pastures Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Green Pastures Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Carlisle's first question to preacher Deshee?
(a) Where is heaven?
(b) How long will this class last?
(c) Why did God create the world as it is?
(d) Can I go to the restroom?

2. Who is the couple who comes to make fun of Noah?
(a) Zeba and Flatfoot
(b) Gabriel and Rose
(c) Soap 'n Water
(d) Shem and Ham

3. What are the cherubs doing at the fish fry?
(a) playing small harps.
(b) catching fish.
(c) reciting Bible verses.
(d) constantly misbehaving.

4. What is it that Adam asks God?
(a) Who are you?
(b) What's a family?
(c) Where do I sleep?
(d) What time is it?

5. Why does Noah apologize to God?
(a) for telling him about the sinners.
(b) for not recognizing him.
(c) for inviting him into his house.
(d) for taking his cigar.

6. After talking awhile, where do Cain and the girl go?
(a) to find a preacher.
(b) to a big city nightclub.
(c) to meet her folks.
(d) to the river to fish.

7. What sign is on the wall of Noah's house?
(a) Always look above.
(b) Home sweet home.
(c) God bless our home.
(d) Prayer changes things.

8. What does Carlisle want to know about God?
(a) how tall He is.
(b) what He looks like.
(c) where He came from.
(d) where to find Him.

9. What is so odd to the people about the ark?
(a) it is shaped like a bowl.
(b) it is nowhere near any water.
(c) it is too big to float.
(d) it is too small for all the animals.

10. What is Adam happy about as God approaches him?
(a) he likes his line of work.
(b) he enjoys picking cotton.
(c) he likes having nothing to do.
(d) he is thrilled to be a fisherman.

11. What does preacher Deshee call Cain?
(a) a surprise to Adam and Eve.
(b) a mean rascal.
(c) a tall fellow.
(d) a lazy boy.

12. What does Cain say about flinging a rock at Abel?
(a) if I hit him, all right; if I miss him all right.
(b) I can fling farther than he can.
(c) I never miss with a rock.
(d) I just want to scare him.

13. Why does God tell Cain to raise children?
(a) there is nothing like a family to keep a man from loneliness.
(b) there is nothing like a family to make a man forget his troubles.
(c) there is nothing like a family to punish a man for his deeds.
(d) there is nothing like a family to help out with all the work.

14. What are Adam and Eve supposed to do?
(a) plant trees.
(b) build a hut.
(c) cut flowers.
(d) tend the garden.

15. What is Noah's wife telling the other women?
(a) I'm leaving all my recipes to you.
(b) it is weird living with a crazy man.
(c) it is going to rain for forty days and nights.
(d) you better get your men to build a boat.

Short Answer Questions

1. What question does God pose to everyone?

2. What does Noah say when his knee twitches?

3. Who enters as God is talking to Zeba?

4. How are the children described?

5. Where is God walking on earth after not visiting there for 300 or 400 years?

(see the answer keys)

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