Fade Away Test | Final Test - Medium

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fade Away Test | Final Test - Medium

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What word or phrase do Win and Myron use instead of hello when answering their phones?
(a) "Articulate."
(b) "What's up?"
(c) "Speak to me."
(d) "So talk already."

2. Where does the person Win and Myron follow at Columbia University take them?
(a) To the Dragons' locker room.
(b) To St. John the Divine's homeless shelter.
(c) To the Parkview Diner.
(d) To Greg Downing's house.

3. Who does Myron think is Cole Whiteman, the leader of the Ravens Brigade?
(a) Sidney Bowman.
(b) Calvin Johnson.
(c) Clip Arnstein.
(d) Norman Lowenstein, a homeless man who led him to Carla

4. What does Myron realize about his playing ability in Chapter Twenty Six?
(a) He plays at a professional level but needs more practice.
(b) He has what it takes to be a superstar.
(c) He's not good enough for the NBA.
(d) He's too slow to compete at the pro level.

5. Where is Win's investment company office located in relation to Myron's sports agency office?
(a) Three buildings away on the same street.
(b) Just down the hall.
(c) In the same building three floors up.
(d) Five miles away.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when the coach puts Myron into the game in Chapter Twenty Six?

2. Who do Win and Myron follow at Columbia University in Chapter Thirty Four?

3. What does Dimonte think the object the killer is carrying in the videotape contains?

4. Who delights Big Cyndi in Chapter Twenty Three by asking for her phone number?

5. What information about Greg and Emily Downing's divorce case does Audrey Wilson give Myron after the game?

Short Essay Questions

1. What in Chapter Twenty Nine lets Myron know that Esperanza is trying to be nice to him after his bad game the previous day?

2. What shocking secret is revealed on the tape Cole Whiteman sends Myron?

3. Explain how Win determines Clip Arnstein is lying about knowing Sally or Carla.

4. Why does say she killed Carla?

5. What happens when the B Man visits Myron at his office in Chapter Twenty-Three?

6. In Chapter Twenty Four, what does Clip Arnstein admit to knowing about Sally/Carla and her relationship with Greg Downing?

7. How does Myron think Leon White's wife, Fiona, might be involved with Greg Downing?

8. Describe Myron's relationship with his parents.

9. How does Cole Whiteman describe the murder that the Raven Brigade has been in hiding for since the Sixties?

10. What facts in Chapter Twenty Two make Esperanza think Clip Arnstein knows more about Greg Downing's disappearance and Liz Gorman's murder than he has revealed?

(see the answer keys)

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