Fade Away Test | Final Test - Medium

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fade Away Test | Final Test - Medium

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Esperanza gets a list of long distance calls made from the pay phone from which Carla called Greg, whose number does Esperanza find beside the listing for a twelve minute call made four days before Greg's disappearance?
(a) Emily Downing's.
(b) TC Collins'.
(c) Leon White's.
(d) Clip Arnstein's.

2. What videotape does Myron ask Marty to show him during his visit to Marty's office?
(a) A video of the Dragons' most famous games.
(b) A compromising video about Greg Downing's gambling.
(c) A compromising video of Emily Downing.
(d) A video of Greg Downing's most famous plays as a Dragon.

3. How does Emily respond when Greg accuses her of planting the blood and the baseball bat at Greg's house?
(a) She says she did it because she knows Greg killed Carla.
(b) She claims Clip Arnstein asked her to plant the items.
(c) She denies doing it.
(d) She admits to killing Carla herself.

4. At the beginning of Chapter Thirty Seven, what does Myron tell Calvin about Clip Arnstein?
(a) That Clip is selling the Dragons.
(b) That Clip went to Carla's the night of her murder.
(c) That Clip is in love with Emily Downing.
(d) That Clip was blackmailing Greg.

5. What does Dimonte call Myron to tell him at the end of Chapter Thirty?
(a) That the B. Man is Carla's killer and he has proof.
(b) That he has found Greg Downing.
(c) That he has a video of the killer leaving Carla's apartment.
(d) That Carla's killer is not Greg Downing.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who calls the B Man Orville?

2. Who hands Myron a mysterious manilla envelope at the beginning of Chapter Forty?

3. What does Myron take from Emily Downing's closet and confront Emily with in Chapter Thirty Two?

4. Who reveals that he has been disguised as the blackmailer?

5. What is Win's response when Myron tells him Jessica wants Myron to move in with her?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Clip's statement in Chapter Twenty Four about Greg Downing having learned his lesson about violence years before foreshadow?

2. Why does say she killed Carla?

3. What shocking secret is revealed on the tape Cole Whiteman sends Myron?

4. Why does Win go to Arizona at the end of the novel?

5. What does the bat found behind Greg Downing's dryer and the fingerprints found at Carla's apartment indicate about Downing's possible involvement in her murder?

6. Why does Marty Felder, Greg's agent, offer Myron a job?

7. In Chapter Twenty Four, what does Clip Arnstein admit to knowing about Sally/Carla and her relationship with Greg Downing?

8. Describe Myron's relationship with his parents.

9. What does Esperanza think brought Carla/Sally to New York?

10. What facts in Chapter Twenty Two make Esperanza think Clip Arnstein knows more about Greg Downing's disappearance and Liz Gorman's murder than he has revealed?

(see the answer keys)

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