All You Need Is Ears Test | Final Test - Medium

George Martin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All You Need Is Ears Test | Final Test - Medium

George Martin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. George Martin wrote the musical score for which Michael Caine film, following the success of "Yellow Submarine"?
(a) "Alfie".
(b) "Pulp".
(c) "Gambit".
(d) "The Man Who Would Be King".

2. George Martin converted a house in what New England town into a recording studio, to record Sea Train?
(a) Plymouth.
(b) Marblehead.
(c) Braintree.
(d) Cape Cod.

3. In the 1950s studios had A&R men, meaning what?
(a) Audio and Recording men.
(b) Assimilation and Recruitment men.
(c) Artists and Repertoire men.
(d) Acoustic and Reverberation men.

4. How does George Martin describe the result, when a recording is overcompressed?
(a) Background noise, as air enters and leaves the studio.
(b) The volume of the recording is too low.
(c) Punching holes in the sound.
(d) Echoes on the track.

5. Regarding orchestration, what does George Martin offer as the secret to good string writing?
(a) Writing for four parts, as if for four human voices.
(b) Writing all parts close to the piano's middle C.
(c) Writing as if for a piano, with parts for left and right hands.
(d) Writing a separate part for each musician.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did George Martin ultimately agree, in 1976, to score the "Sergeant Pepper" film featuring the Bee Gees and Peter Frampton?

2. How, according to George Martin, does a computer multiply 17 by 32?

3. In Chapter 8, in George Martin's layer cake metaphor, what was the second layer in a four-track recording?

4. Which Beatles song was the first to feature other musicians, in addition to the four Beatles and George Martin?

5. George Martin's new business, AIR, is an acronym for what?

Short Essay Questions

1. In the song, "Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite", how did George Martin achieve his complex hurdy-gurdy effect?

2. What main advantage did George Martin gain from EMI, as a result of creating gold records with the Beatles?

3. What album does George Martin consider to be the classic example of what can be achieved by a talented amateur with multi-track equipment?

4. What was the first film scored by George Martin, and why does he refer to the process as a nightmare?

5. In Chapter 11, George Martin expresses his naivety regarding what activities of the Beatles?

6. Describe the early founding of AIR, Associated Independent Recording.

7. What difficulties were presented by John Lennon's request that George Martin fuse together two unique versions of "Strawberry Fields Forever"?

8. Under what circumstances did the Beatles' manager, Brian Epstein, die?

9. What aspects of Dick Lester's direction does George Martin most admire, in the Beatles' film, "A Hard Day's Night"?

10. What sites did George Martin consider for AIR's second studio, a residential complex, and where was it ultimately constructed?

(see the answer keys)

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