Wrong Place Wrong Time - Pages 73 - 118 Summary & Analysis

Gillian McAllister
This Study Guide consists of approximately 60 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Wrong Place Wrong Time.

Wrong Place Wrong Time - Pages 73 - 118 Summary & Analysis

Gillian McAllister
This Study Guide consists of approximately 60 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Wrong Place Wrong Time.
This section contains 1,534 words
(approx. 4 pages at 400 words per page)
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The next chapter is titled “Day Minus Three, 08:00.” Jen wakes on October 26 to rain. She wonders where the backward time will end. She continues to believe that stopping the crime will end the time loop. Jen is not surprised when Todd denies knowing who Joseph Jones is. When he takes a shower, she searches his room. She cannot get access to either his computer or his cell phone. She finds messages between Todd and Connor on his Xbox, including one about dropping something off at 11 at night. She remembers his complete lack of remorse after he killed Joseph. Jen feels there is no point in work. She tells her friend Pauline she is worried about Todd. She remembers a news story about a traffic accident. She tells Kelly about her time loop, then takes him to the site of the accident in time...

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This section contains 1,534 words
(approx. 4 pages at 400 words per page)
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