This section contains 979 words (approx. 3 pages at 400 words per page) |
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In Chapter 7, Veronica returns to London to help the queen and brings the scrying stone with her. The witches begin to cast spells to turn the tide of the war, working every night in the basement at the castle. The women invoke protection for cities, keep a bomb from exploding, and do other deeds to help the Allies. After a time, Veronica notices she has gained weight and must be pregnant from her coupling with Valery Chirac. Veronica uses the grimoire to find a potion to give herself and abortion. She aborts the baby by herself, with only Oona to comfort her.
In Chapter 8, Olive sees two pictures in the crystal. In one, the Allies win. In the other, the Nazis win and all the witches, Jews and Gypsies are hunted down and burned or killed. The women redouble...
(read more from the The Book of Veronica Chapter 7 - 9 Summary)
This section contains 979 words (approx. 3 pages at 400 words per page) |
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