World War Z Test | Final Test - Medium

Max Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

World War Z Test | Final Test - Medium

Max Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does food become scarce at the refugee camp where Jesika Hendricks and her family stay?
(a) Too many refugees come to the camp.
(b) The refugees are there too long for the supplies they have.
(c) Food becomes spoiled from lack of refrigeration.
(d) Animals in the park steal the food.

2. What were "fragdogs?"
(a) Dogs strapped with bombs and sent into battle to detonate.
(b) Dogs used to carry ammunition while in battle.
(c) Dogs trained to help soldiers hold the line by "herding" them on the battlefield.
(d) Dogs used to carry messages between battalions on the battlefield.

3. What does "The Whacko" tell a tree during his interview with the narrator?
(a) That it's doing a good job.
(b) That it doesn't need to grow so quickly.
(c) That it has beautiful leaves.
(d) That a squirrel is living in it.

4. In what state is Mrs. Miller in Chapter 8?
(a) Nebraska.
(b) Montana.
(c) Idaho.
(d) Texas.

5. Why did some of Terry Knox's crewmates die after being rescued?
(a) They killed each other after developing mental illnesses.
(b) They committed suicide.
(c) They died from exposure to constant radiation.
(d) They became infected with the illness.

Short Answer Questions

1. Though he hopes it is not the case, what does Joe Muhammad think might happen when the zombies are long dead?

2. According to Philip Adler in Chapter 8, when did his country lose something important?

3. What is T. Sean Collins now unable to do?

4. What does Jesika Hendricks have a hard time dealing with after the war?

5. What is Todd Wainio's relationship status at the end of the novel?

Short Essay Questions

1. According to Maria Zhuganova, how is Russia coping after the war?

2. How do Philip Adler and Jurgen Warmbrunn feel now that the war is over?

3. How are Jesika Hendricks and Mary Jo Miller different in the way they place blame in Chapter 8?

4. Explain what happened in Cuba during the war?

5. How does Kwang Jingshu feel about life and China after the war?

6. When speaking with the narrator, Jesika Hendricks casually kills a zombie as it begins to reanimate. What does this reveal about her?

7. What is the tone of Chapter 4?

8. How is Todd Wainio coping with life after the war?

9. Why did the narrator speak to so many different people during the story?

10. How has Kwang Jingshu's perspective changed after the war?

(see the answer keys)

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