World War Z Test | Final Test - Easy

Max Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

World War Z Test | Final Test - Easy

Max Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Kwang Jingshu say he is happy to see?
(a) Unity.
(b) Peace.
(c) Children.
(d) Charity.

2. What is a "hibakusha?"
(a) A zombie.
(b) An outsider.
(c) One who was blinded in the bomb on Hiroshima.
(d) One who is immune to the illness.

3. What has Todd Wainio attempted to do by the end of the novel?
(a) Return to a normal life.
(b) Build a house.
(c) Tell others of his experiences.
(d) Start dating.

4. What does Jurgen Warmbrunn say would be true if there were no survivors of the Holocaust?
(a) Everyone is worth remembering.
(b) There is no hope for humanity's future.
(c) No one is worth remembering.
(d) There are no survivors of World War Z.

5. In what state is Mrs. Miller in Chapter 8?
(a) Montana.
(b) Idaho.
(c) Texas.
(d) Nebraska.

6. What happens to Ijiro's Shield Society?
(a) It is renamed the Japanese Self Defense Forces.
(b) It becomes part of the Japanese Self Defense Forces.
(c) It is disbanded because it is no longer needed.
(d) It is put in place as the new government of Japan.

7. Why are sunken vessels cleared from harbors, according to Michael Choi?
(a) They can kill the marine life.
(b) They are often filled with zombies.
(c) Their materials can be recycled into newer vessels.
(d) They prevent other vessels from docking in the harbors.

8. What does Kondo Tatsumi say about Tomonaga Ijiro's generation?
(a) They were happy to let others rule.
(b) They were determined to be remembered.
(c) They were focused on culture and fine arts.
(d) They were happy to rule the world.

9. What is the Deep Submergence Combat Corp?
(a) A team that stores supplies for the military underwater.
(b) A team that handles zombies underwater.
(c) A team that protects marine life.
(d) A team that protects civilians by taking them onto submarines.

10. What was the purpose of Radio Free Earth?
(a) To serve as a weapon against lies and misinformation.
(b) To show the people that society was beginning to rebuild itself.
(c) To give civilians inside military information.
(d) To provide weather reports despite a lack of news communication.

11. What was the biggest threat in taking back the U.S., according to Todd Wainio?
(a) The hidden zombies.
(b) The feral children.
(c) The quislings.
(d) The human psyche.

12. What does Kwang Jingshu believe about life after the war?
(a) That individual countries will no longer exist.
(b) That no one will remember how the zombies came to be.
(c) That the zombies will never be gone.
(d) That everything will be all right.

13. What is Todd Wainio's most vivid memory?
(a) The first time he saw a zombie.
(b) The first time he killed a zombie.
(c) The victory at Hero City.
(d) The first morning he woke up after the zombies were gone.

14. Why did Cuba thrive during the war?
(a) They were always prepared for war.
(b) They became a democracy.
(c) They were immune to the illness.
(d) They acquired Puerto Rico as part of their country.

15. Where is Jesika Hendricks located in Chapter 8?
(a) Ontario, Canada.
(b) Detroit, Michigan.
(c) Nome, Alaska.
(d) Manitoba, Canada.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long did the process of the final battle for the U.S. take?

2. What about Tomonaga Ijiro does Kondo Tatsumi disagree with?

3. What animal was used to lead the zombies to the army firing line in Hope, New Mexico?

4. How did Father Sergei Ryzhkov prevent infected soldiers from committing the sin of suicide?

5. How does Philip Adler feel about Lang after he is unable to keep the promise to himself?

(see the answer keys)

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