World War Z Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Max Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

World War Z Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Max Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Ahmed Farahnakian, who spoiled Iran's recovery plan?
(a) Israel.
(b) Iraq.
(c) Saudi Arabia.
(d) Pakistan.

2. What percentage of the initial wave of zombies were killed with the first rocket launches, according to Todd Wainio?
(a) 50.
(b) 10.
(c) 75.
(d) 90.

3. Why does Philip Adler finally agree to follow the order he initially refuses?
(a) Because he realizes it's the only way to survive.
(b) The order is changed so that some of the civilians are not left behind.
(c) To protect himself from charges of treason.
(d) To protect his men from charges of treason.

4. What illness did Breckinridge Scott's vaccine claim to cure?
(a) Leprosy.
(b) Cancer.
(c) Celiac disease.
(d) Rabies.

5. What haunts Gavin Blaire most about seeing the people panicked on the highway?
(a) The sound of the people's screaming.
(b) That they had no destination.
(c) That they thought the outbreak was under control.
(d) The sight of the people fleeing in terror.

6. When the narrator interviews Paul Redeker, what number novel is he writing?
(a) His fifth.
(b) His first.
(c) His second.
(d) His third.

7. Where is Mary Jo Miller during her first encounter with the infected?
(a) At work.
(b) On the street.
(c) Her home.
(d) The grocery store.

8. Why did thousands on the boats die, according to Ajay Shah?
(a) The ships were attacked by military submarines.
(b) The people aboard became infected.
(c) The ships sank because there were too many people aboard.
(d) Infected people climbed aboard vessels and killed everyone.

9. What are Paul Redeker's novels about?
(a) The zombie war.
(b) The Civil War.
(c) A war between zombies and vampires.
(d) A zombie detective.

10. Where did the U.S. military attempt to end the Panic by showing how effective the military was?
(a) Brooklyn.
(b) Yonkers.
(c) Dallas.
(d) Salt Lake City.

11. Why does Ajay Shah say some people were refused passage on boats in India?
(a) Because they couldn't pay enough.
(b) Because of the weight limits on the boats.
(c) Because they weren't willing to work off their passage.
(d) Because of their skin color or caste.

12. During the Panic, what was T. Sean Collins's job?
(a) He was a reporter.
(b) He was a mercenary.
(c) He was a chauffeur.
(d) He was a pilot.

13. Where was Philip Adler in charge of a military operation during the war?
(a) Armagh, Ireland.
(b) Hamburg, Germany.
(c) Frankfurt, Germany.
(d) Dublin, Ireland.

14. To where did Breckinridge Scott escape to live in solitude?
(a) Mongolia.
(b) Antarctica.
(c) Greenland.
(d) Russia.

15. Who shoots Jacob Nyathi as he tries to escape during a panic?
(a) He doesn't know who shot him.
(b) A mugger.
(c) The police.
(d) The US Army.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did the infection spread to Europe?

2. Who are the Feral Children?

3. Why was T. Sean Collins in Long Island during the Panic?

4. How did the CIA handle the Warmbrunn-Knight plan?

5. In what town is the outbreak believed to have originated?

(see the answer keys)

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