World War Z Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Max Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

World War Z Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Max Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Travis D'Ambrosia, why was Phase Two of the plan to handle the infected never started?
(a) The American public was too war weary.
(b) The American military voted against implementing Phase Two.
(c) The American public voted against implementing Phase Two.
(d) The American military was not ready.

2. When did Paul Redeker rewrite a plan for the apartheid government?
(a) In the 1970s.
(b) In the 1990s.
(c) In the 1980s.
(d) In the 1960s.

3. Where did the narrator interview Xolelwa Azania?
(a) A prison.
(b) A secret bunker in Antarctica.
(c) A U.S. Embassy building in Russia.
(d) A psychiatric hospital.

4. What promise does Philip Adler make to himself?
(a) That he will kill Lang.
(b) That he will have Lang court-marshalled.
(c) That he will have Lang fired.
(d) That he will tell the real story about Lang one day.

5. During the Panic, what was T. Sean Collins's job?
(a) He was a pilot.
(b) He was a chauffeur.
(c) He was a reporter.
(d) He was a mercenary.

Short Answer Questions

1. What order does Philip Adler initially refuse?

2. What haunts Gavin Blaire most about seeing the people panicked on the highway?

3. What plan did Paul Redeker rewrite for the apartheid government?

4. Where did the U.S. military attempt to end the Panic by showing how effective the military was?

5. Why was T. Sean Collins in Long Island during the Panic?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain the relationship between Lang and Philip Adler.

2. Explain why a chemical weapon is dropped over a bridge, according to Bohdan Taras.

3. Explain what happened between Iran and Pakistan during the war.

4. How did Herr Muller get sick without having any bite marks on him?

5. How is the Israeli government first alerted to the epidemic, and how do they initially react?

6. Who is Xolelwa Azania? Why is he important?

7. Describe the "New Community" settlement in which Mary Jo Miller lives in Troy, Montana.

8. Explain why the citizens of South Africa hate Paul Redeker.

9. Explain how the rich and famous handled the war, according to T. Sean Collins.

10. As the outbreak is initially occurring, how do governments and local police handle reports?

(see the answer keys)

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