Tuesdays with Morrie Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tuesdays with Morrie Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On this fifth Tuesday, what did Morrie say is the foundation of everything?
(a) Friends.
(b) Family.
(c) Health.
(d) Money.

2. At Morrie's funeral, Mitch tried out an imaginary conversation in his head. How did it feel?
(a) Exciting.
(b) Natural.
(c) Funny.
(d) Weird.

3. What did Morrie answer when Mitch asked him if he could live his life over, would he would have children again?
(a) That Mitch should have children as well.
(b) That he didn't like the experience.
(c) That he wouldn't have missed the experience for anything
(d) That he wished he had more children.

4. When did Morrie want Mitch to start forgiving?
(a) Never.
(b) When he was dying.
(c) Next Tuesday.
(d) Now.

5. When did Morrie stop breathing?
(a) The first time that he was completely alone since falling into the coma.
(b) When his friends were around him.
(c) When his family was around him.
(d) When Morrie was standing next to his bed.

6. When would Morrie not be able to talk anymore?
(a) When the disease hit his lungs.
(b) When the disease hit his liver.
(c) When he was too tired.
(d) When he didn't want to talk anymore.

7. How did Mitch help Morrie out on the twelfth Tuesday?
(a) He put suntan lotion on Morrie's body.
(b) He wiped Morrie's backside.
(c) He took Morrie to the bathroom.
(d) He massaged Morrie's feet with lotion.

8. What did Morrie do more by "The Audiovisual, Part 3" once his body had deteriorated and he was so close to death?
(a) Read mail.
(b) Read the paper.
(c) Watch the news.
(d) Listen to music.

9. What is the reason, according to Morrie, that people always want something new?
(a) Because they don't want to look poor.
(b) Because they don't like to buy used things.
(c) Because they are hungry for love.
(d) Because they are hungry for burgers.

10. Why did Mitch still bring food for Morrie on the fourteenth Tuesday?
(a) Because it was a tradition.
(b) Because Mitch liked eating with Morrie.
(c) Because Morrie liked eating.
(d) Because the fridge was empty.

11. When Ted Koppel asked Morrie about his previous comments about someone having to wipe his backside for him, what did he get instead of humor?
(a) No answer.
(b) The truth.
(c) A laugh.
(d) A lie.

12. On what day did Morrie's funeral take place?
(a) On a Saturday.
(b) On a Tuesday.
(c) On a Monday.
(d) On a Sunday.

13. In Chapter Nineteen, Mitch tries to call his brother. Where does his brother live?
(a) France.
(b) Spain.
(c) Canada.
(d) Italy.

14. What happened to Morrie two days before he died?
(a) He lapsed into a coma.
(b) He wiped his own behind.
(c) He smiled.
(d) He had a bad dream.

15. During the third interview, Morrie told Ted Koppel that the disease could have his body, but what was the disease not allowed to get?
(a) His intelligence.
(b) His spirit.
(c) His money.
(d) His family.

Short Answer Questions

1. When did Morrie meet his wife?

2. In the Book of Job from the Bible, what does God do to test Job's faith?

3. What are some of the things Mitch did to fight his aging?

4. According to Morrie, what is the biggest defect humans being have?

5. According to Morrie, what allows a person to be on the same level as everyone else?

(see the answer keys)

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