Trapped Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Marc Aronson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Trapped Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Marc Aronson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter Six: August 10-21: “Drilling Blind,” what is the primary challenge faced by Kelvin Brown when drilling to reach the miners?
(a) A lack of drilling expertise.
(b) Resistance from the miners.
(c) Inaccurate maps and maps that have not been updated.
(d) A lack of drilling equipment.

2. In Chapter Two: "Of Earth and Cold," what impact did the Himalayas have on carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere?
(a) They caused an increase in carbon dioxide levels.
(b) They had no effect on carbon dioxide levels.
(c) They released carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
(d) They absorbed carbon dioxide, leading to a cooling effect.

3. In Chapter Four: August 5–8: “Murderers,” why do the trapped miners need to dig a well underground?
(a) To locate valuable minerals for rescue funding.
(b) To escape through an alternative route.
(c) To create a source of drinking water.
(d) To provide ventilation in the shelter.

4. In Chapter Six: August 10-21: “Drilling Blind,” what do the miners resort to during extreme hunger and desperation in similar situations in history?
(a) Eating the bark off wooden posts.
(b) Feeding on grass and mud.
(c) Chewing leather belts and shoes.
(d) Consuming frozen human flesh.

5. In Chapter Three: "The Men of Hephaistos," why was bronze considered a sacred metal during ancient times?
(a) It had a unique aesthetic appeal.
(b) It was easy to shape and work with.
(c) It was abundant and readily available.
(d) It was exceptionally durable and strong.

6. In Chapter Five: August 8–10: “Hope,” what does Edison Peña do to fend off the dark in the mine?
(a) He uses lamps and generators.
(b) He sings songs.
(c) He tells stories.
(d) He relies on natural light.

7. In Chapter Four: August 5–8: “Murderers,” what strategy does Luis Urzúa suggest to ensure fairness in food distribution among the miners?
(a) Rationing based on age and seniority.
(b) First come, first served basis.
(c) Sharing equally and eating together.
(d) Leaving food to be consumed at individual discretion.

8. In Chapter Six: August 10-21: “Drilling Blind,” how do the families at the campsite perceive Kelvin Brown's presence?
(a) They view him with suspicion and doubt.
(b) They see him as a symbol of hope and possibility.
(c) They consider him a hindrance to the rescue efforts.
(d) They believe he is responsible for the mine collapse.

9. In Chapter Four: August 5–8: “Murderers,” what conditions do the trapped miners face in the shelter?
(a) Total darkness and high humidity.
(b) Flooding and waterlogged surroundings.
(c) Extreme cold and freezing temperatures.
(d) Frequent earthquakes and tremors.

10. In Chapter One: "August 5-6," at what depth does Villegas encounter a situation where the road disappears in the mine?
(a) 500 feet.
(b) 1,800 feet.
(c) 1,200 feet.
(d) 800 feet.

11. In Chapter Five: August 8–10: “Hope,” who is tasked with evaluating rescue strategies?
(a) Kelvin Brown.
(b) Luis Urzúa.
(c) Fidel Baez.
(d) Bishop Quintana.

12. What effect did the Andes Mountains have on the climate along the Pacific coast of South America?
(a) They caused heavy rainfall.
(b) They created extremely dry conditions.
(c) They led to tropical conditions.
(d) They had no impact on the climate.

13. In Chapter Five: August 8–10: “Hope,” which miner takes on the role of a spiritual leader and healer among the trapped men?
(a) Mario Gómez.
(b) Luis Urzúa.
(c) José Vega.
(d) Franklin Lobos.

14. In Chapter Two: "Of Earth and Cold," what type of geological formation is the Nazca Plate in relation to the continent?
(a) It is an ocean trench.
(b) It is a desert.
(c) It is a sliding plate.
(d) It is a mountain range.

15. In Chapter Six: August 10-21: “Drilling Blind,” what significant event in history is mentioned as a potential comparison to the miners' situation, although it is not openly discussed?
(a) The rescue of miners in Bolivia.
(b) The sinking of the Titanic.
(c) The 2010 earthquake in Chile.
(d) The survival of stranded airplane passengers in the Andes.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter Five: August 8–10: “Hope,” how does the chapter describe hope in the context of faith?

2. In Chapter Two: "Of Earth and Cold," why do individuals choose to work as miners despite the inherent risks?

3. In Chapter Three: "The Men of Hephaistos," on average, how much copper does the average American use annually, and how much of it is typically recycled?

4. In Chapter Two: "Of Earth and Cold," how does the lack of rivers taking soil out to sea along the Pacific coast affect the interaction between the Nazca Plate and the continent?

5. In Chapter Three: "The Men of Hephaistos," what essential resource for human survival is often scarce in neighborhoods like Padre Negro, and how do residents obtain it?

(see the answer keys)

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