Trapped Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Marc Aronson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Trapped Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Marc Aronson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Two: Around the World and Into Space: Chapter Eight: "Camp Hope" - Chapter Ten: "Abnormal-Normal".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter Ten: "Abnormal-Normal," what is the purpose of simulating day and night using the beams of light underground?
(a) To test the effectiveness of the light system.
(b) To create a sense of routine for the miners.
(c) To signal the progress of the rescue.
(d) To conserve energy.

2. In Chapter Six: August 10-21: “Drilling Blind,” what do the miners resort to during extreme hunger and desperation in similar situations in history?
(a) Consuming frozen human flesh.
(b) Eating the bark off wooden posts.
(c) Feeding on grass and mud.
(d) Chewing leather belts and shoes.

3. In Chapter Five: August 8–10: “Hope,” which miner takes on the role of a spiritual leader and healer among the trapped men?
(a) Luis Urzúa.
(b) Franklin Lobos.
(c) Mario Gómez.
(d) José Vega.

4. In Chapter Four: August 5–8: “Murderers,” why do the trapped miners need to dig a well underground?
(a) To locate valuable minerals for rescue funding.
(b) To create a source of drinking water.
(c) To provide ventilation in the shelter.
(d) To escape through an alternative route.

5. In Chapter Seven: "August 21–22: Human Gold," what emotion do both the miners and their families share despite being physically separated?
(a) Hope.
(b) Relief.
(c) Desperation.
(d) Joy.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter Four: August 5–8: “Murderers,” what unites the trapped miners and helps maintain a sense of collective purpose?

2. In Chapter Seven: "August 21–22: Human Gold," what happens to the tension and frustration at the campsite once the miners' safety is confirmed?

3. In Chapter Four: August 5–8: “Murderers,” what is the main concern of the rescue crew upon returning from the mine?

4. In Chapter Five: August 8–10: “Hope,” where does Kelvin Brown, the expert come from?

5. In Chapter Four: August 5–8: “Murderers,” what emotions fluctuate among the miners as they grapple with their predicament?

(see the answer key)

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