The Prophets Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Prophets Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Jeremiah the prophet said that God delights in what?
(a) Vengeance.
(b) The covenant.
(c) Kindness.
(d) Repentance.

2. In ancient times, Israel only knew God as what?
(a) Impassible.
(b) Loving.
(c) Redemptive.
(d) Mysterious and terrible.

3. What did the prophets talk about in addition to God's wrath and judgment?
(a) His wisdom.
(b) His love.
(c) His knowledge.
(d) His vengeance.

4. Heschel explains that some think the prophets may have been victims of what?
(a) Religious fervor.
(b) Hallucinations.
(c) Mental abnormalities.
(d) Illusions.

5. Why did some scholars reject the idea of pathos?
(a) Because of its origins.
(b) Because it isn't mentioned in the Bible.
(c) Because it didn't involve emotions.
(d) Because it involved emotions.

6. According to Heschel, many parts of the Bible should be looked at as what?
(a) Songs.
(b) Allegories.
(c) Poems.
(d) Essays.

7. If ecstasy were a requirement for a prophet, which prophets of the Old Testament would not have been classified as prophets?
(a) Daniel and Zechariah.
(b) Moses and Isaiah.
(c) Second Isaiah and Habakkuk.
(d) Micah and Jonah.

8. Who was Marcion?
(a) A Christian.
(b) A Gnostic.
(c) A Greek.
(d) A Jew.

9. Heschel points out that God's wrath is what?
(a) Righteous and just.
(b) Terrible.
(c) Vengeful.
(d) Like people's wrath.

10. Heschel states that it is important to distinguish between the objective and subjective aspects of what?
(a) Religious sympathy.
(b) The prophetic consciousness of God.
(c) Biblical prophecy.
(d) Ecstasy.

11. What does Heschel describe as not a goal, but a challenge, a commitment, a state of tension?
(a) Ecstasy.
(b) Pathos.
(c) Prophetic sympathy.
(d) Prophetic ethos.

12. Heschel says the problem is not that we depict God incorrectly but what?
(a) That we try to depict Him at all.
(b) He does not see depicting God as a problem.
(c) That we don't know how to depict Him.
(d) That we can't depict Him.

13. In addition to using information from Israel's culture, Heschel uses information from what in order to understand the prophets?
(a) Egyptian culture.
(b) Greek culture.
(c) Cult of the Balaam.
(d) Islamic culture.

14. One theory for prophets and their inspiration is that they had madness in them that led to what?
(a) The belief that they had a job to do.
(b) The desire to be great.
(c) The belief that God talked to them.
(d) A psychic ability.

15. What appears to us as wild emotionalism in the prophets, Heschel says may seem like what to the prophets themselves?
(a) Proper behavior.
(b) Restraint.
(c) Passion.
(d) Sentimentality.

Short Answer Questions

1. Heschel alludes to the fact that to describe God in any terms implies that God is what?

2. What prophet did God send to Nineveh?

3. The nature of man's response to divine reality corresponds to what?

4. Heschel contrasts God to other deities, who unlike God, did not have what?

5. According to Heschel, the prophetic act takes place when the prophet is aware of what?

(see the answer keys)

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