The Institute Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Institute Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is Luke demeaned in Chapter IV, Chapter 8?
(a) The staff laughs at his appearance.
(b) He is strip-searched.
(c) His temperature is taken rectally.
(d) He is forced to use the bathroom in front of the staff.

2. In Section IV, Chapter 23, who yells at Luke for sleeping in an empty bedroom?
(a) Stackhouse.
(b) Dr. Hendricks.
(c) Mrs. Sigsby.
(d) Maureen.

3. Tim Jamieson sees a sign advertising what position in Section I, Chapter 4?
(a) Night Patrol.
(b) Night Caller.
(c) Night Visitor.
(d) Night Knocker.

4. According to the kids in Section III, Chapter 2, how does the Institute reward good behavior?
(a) With stickers.
(b) With tickets.
(c) With extra food.
(d) With tokens.

5. According to Tim in Section I, Chapter 8, from what creature did he once rescue a boy?
(a) A bear.
(b) A coyote.
(c) A tarantula.
(d) An alligator.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Rosalind in Section II, Chapter 8, what is the name of the arrival with a high BDNF?

2. Which Institute employee is Luke warned against angering in Section III, Chapter 1?

3. What is the name of DuPray's town barber?

4. In Section III, Chapter 10, Luke decides to use his computer to help whom?

5. To where are the Bilson twins running away in Section I, Chapter 12?

Short Essay Questions

1. What people does Luke meet at the beginning of Section III? What is each like?

2. What does Luke learn when he first uses his computer Section III, Chapter 10?

3. What is done to Luke in Section III, Chapter 7?

4. What advice does George offer Luke in Section III, Chapter 4?

5. How does Tim prove himself a valuable member of the DuPray community at the end of Section I?

6. What information does Luke learn in Section IV, Chapter 28? What is his reaction?

7. How is Luke taken in Section II, Chapter 6?

8. What does Mr. Greer tell Luke's parents in Section II, Chapter 1?

9. Which individual does Luke meet in Section IV, Chapter 23? What does this person say to him?

10. What information does Gladys tell Luke in Section III, Chapter 8?

(see the answer keys)

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