The Ghosts of Cannae: Hannibal and the Darkest Hour of the Roman Republic Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robert L. O'Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ghosts of Cannae: Hannibal and the Darkest Hour of the Roman Republic Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robert L. O'Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the Roman do when they liked something?
(a) They bought it.
(b) They called it Roman.
(c) They copied it.
(d) They destroyed it.

2. Why did Roman soldiers drown in the river during the battle of Cannae?
(a) They feared water.
(b) The stream was too powerful.
(c) They never learned to swim.
(d) Their armor was too heavy.

3. How long did those who serve in the military have to enlist for in periods of great danger?
(a) 25 years.
(b) 20 years.
(c) 15 years.
(d) 30 years.

4. Why was Hannibal's plan so risky?
(a) He had no reserve troops.
(b) He had nowhere to run.
(c) He would not have been able to resupply in food.
(d) His troops were vastly outnumbered.

5. What did the Romans do after something failed?
(a) They tried the same thing again.
(b) They tried something else.
(c) They wrote it down for future generations.
(d) They assessed the situation and learned from it.

6. What differentiated Romans and Greeks as far as religion?
(a) Romans were more pious.
(b) Romans were praying during battle.
(c) Romans did not make human sacrifice.
(d) Romans had better name for their gods.

7. Why was Polybius brought to Rome?
(a) Keep the Celts under control.
(b) Keep the Carthagenians under control.
(c) Keep the Greeks under control.
(d) Keep the Gauls under control.

8. How much food did Hannibal's army have before the Battle of Cannae?
(a) 30 days worth.
(b) 3 days worth.
(c) 10 days worth.
(d) 20 days worth.

9. Why did Hannibal choose to fight with the wind in his back?
(a) So Hannibal don't have to smell the odor of the Roman food.
(b) So the Romanw cannot use arrows.
(c) So the Romanw had to fight against the wind to move.
(d) So Romanw would have sand in their eyes.

10. What did the military tribune do to the Roman soldiers for the first time in history?
(a) Swore an oath of allegiance.
(b) Promise them freedom.
(c) Give them money to fight.
(d) Order them to retreat.

11. How did the average Roman soldier feel about the battle to come?
(a) That it was going to be a disaster.
(b) Underprepared.
(c) Optimistic.
(d) Left out.

12. What was the problem with basic Roman tactics at Cannae?
(a) The tactic required Hannibal to have his army stand still for a few minutes.
(b) The tactic required more cavalery.
(c) The tactic required space which Cannae was short on.
(d) The tactic required no river.

13. What could cause confusion in the Roman army?
(a) Lack of training.
(b) Using several languages.
(c) Having several commanders.
(d) Having new troops integrated.

14. How did Hannibal know of the Roman army according to "Carthage"?
(a) He heard from merchants.
(b) He saw the column of dust.
(c) He had spies.
(d) He heard the marching band.

15. Why did Rome decide to destroy Carthage?
(a) Their literature threatened Rome.
(b) Their wealth threatened Rome.
(c) Their military threatened Rome.
(d) Their technology threatened Rome.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where were the survivors of the Battle of Cannae banished to?

2. Why are historians incapable of pinpointing the site of the battle of Cannae?

3. How many assembled bodies governed Rome?

4. What was the area where Rome was not contradicting itself?

5. What did archeological finds show about Carthage?

(see the answer keys)

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