The Art of Courtly Love Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Art of Courtly Love Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. A member of the most noble class was called what?
(a) Master.
(b) Regency.
(c) Clerk.
(d) Highness.

2. What did the author think greedy women should do?
(a) Repent.
(b) Seek the love of a poor man.
(c) Find a man equally as greedy to love.
(d) Join a brothel.

3. How did the author explain the concept of teaching the theory of love to a social class likened to horses and mules?
(a) It would stir natural desires in them only if they made a conscious effort.
(b) It would be unnatural to them and they would never grasp the idea.
(c) It would stir natural desires because all humans were made to love.
(d) It would be unnatural to them, but they would find it useful.

4. If a greedy woman truly loved her man, what would she be hesitant to do?
(a) Ask so much of him.
(b) Belittle him.
(c) Destroy him.
(d) Neglect his needs.

5. Under what condition may a man indulge in the "solace of the flesh" and still retain love?
(a) As long as both have professed love to the other.
(b) As long as they are married.
(c) As long as they have made a commitment to eachother, such as engagement.
(d) As long as it is not wearisome to the woman.

6. When the man of higher nobility spoke to a woman of higher nobility, what did the man insist was a great good?
(a) Love of someone from a lower class.
(b) Love between a man and a woman.
(c) Self-acceptance.
(d) The respect of peers.

7. For the woman, what did being unfaithful damage most?
(a) Her future relationships.
(b) Her reputation.
(c) Her character.
(d) Her relationship with God.

8. What did the author advise a woman to do if her man was unfaithful?
(a) Even the score by being unfaithful.
(b) Abandon him.
(c) Improve herself to make him stay.
(d) Express her anger so that love will increase.

9. In the author's reviews of decisions in love cases, what was the outcome of the case in which a lady forbade a man to love another and enforced a very severe punishment?
(a) The Countess of Champagne said she was too severe.
(b) The Countess of Champage said she was within her rights.
(c) The Queen of Eleanor told them to forget their past and move forward with love and equality.
(d) The Queen of Eleanor forbade the two to see eachother again.

10. In the conversation between the higher nobleman and the higher noblewoman, while she remained deeply skeptical and expressed a lack of interest, what did the man do?
(a) He sought the love of another woman.
(b) He reminded her of his social ranking.
(c) He became more intense.
(d) He mirrored her emotions.

11. What did the author identify as a sure way to decrease love?
(a) Seeing each other too rarely.
(b) Expressing anger.
(c) Being together too much.
(d) Developing feelings of jealousy.

12. In what way did the author say that greedy women love?
(a) In a counterfeit way.
(b) In a real way.
(c) In a transparent way.
(d) In a desperate way.

13. What did the man of the clergy admit about love with a woman?
(a) That it was forbidden.
(b) That she would never be worthy.
(c) That it was risky.
(d) That it could ruin their lives.

14. Why were members of the most noble rank advised to consult the dialogues in the book?
(a) They were sinful.
(b) They were uneducated.
(c) They were weak to carnal sin.
(d) They were important but lived in poverty.

15. Why did the woman of higher nobility reprove the nobleman who was a member of the clergy?
(a) He should be satisfied with things of God.
(b) She would never feel worthy of his love.
(c) She would be a mockery if she entered into a relationship with him.
(d) He should be shamed for pursuing her.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the author's reviews of decisions in love cases, what was the reason in the second case that a man asked his lover if he could embrace another woman?

2. When the man of higher nobility spoke to a woman of higher nobility, what was the man advised to avoid?

3. What group was advised to fiercely avoid love?

4. What did the author advise a woman to do when she has loved a man who was unworthy of her?

5. In the author's reviews of decisions in love cases, what was the difference between the two men in the third case?

(see the answer keys)

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