Subterranean Test | Final Test - Hard

James Rollins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Subterranean Test | Final Test - Hard

James Rollins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What picture does Ashley find on the wall in chapter twenty-four?

2. What does Khalid answer when Linda yells that she said she would help him and there is no need to hurt Jason in chapter thirty-two?

3. Why does Nob'cobi have to go with Ben on their trip to the main base?

4. What does Mo'amba say when he first stands to speak on Ashley and Ben's behalf in chapter twenty-seven?

5. What do Linda, Khalid, and Jason find in chapter thirty-one that first indicates that they are near the main base?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the communication that Mo'amba and Ben have in the cave in chapter twenty-four?

2. What happens between Ben and Nob'cobi when the trip is first starting out in chapter thirty-one?

3. Describe the last communication that Mo'amba has with Ben in chapter thirty-four?

4. What does Ben find when he first reaches Blakely's office in chapter thirty-three?

5. Describe what Khalid tells Linda in chapter thirty-two when he stops to reset the time on Jason's counter.

6. Describe the events that surround Mo'amba's death.

7. In chapter thirty-three what things does Linda realize while helping Khalid?

8. Describe the exchange between Khalid and Blakely in chapter twenty-three when Blakely begins telling them about the main base being attacked.

9. What happens when Ben and his group first reach the main base in chapter thirty-two?

10. When Ben and Ashley arrive at Alpha Base in chapter thirty-seven what does Harry explain happened?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

1) When Dr. Blakely knows that it is either him or Jason be killed he lists off the things he has done in his life that make him feel he has lead a full life. Did you agree with his assessment of his own life? Why?

2) What do you hope to look back on when you are at the end of your life and find that will make you feel you have had a full life?

3) How much do you feel that a person's hopes and dreams change over the course of a lifetime? Explain why?

Essay Topic 2

1) Which of the scenes in the story caught your attention the most and stuck with you throughout the story? Why do you think this scene was the one that got your attention?

2) Do you think that blood or violence is a more attention grabbing in literature? Why?

3) How would this story have changed had there been no scenes of blood or violence or explanation of the carnage seen? Would it have diminished the story line? Explain.

Essay Topic 3

1) Is the conservation that is seen with the mimi'swee understandable and believable to the reader? Explain.

2) How does the society of the mimi'swee compare to today's society?

3) Explain the reason for these vast or minimal differences.

(see the answer keys)

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