Subterranean Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

James Rollins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Subterranean Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

James Rollins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 3: Chapter 15-20.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Khalid do to the guard in chapter seven when the guard takes two of Khalid's cigarettes?
(a) Stabs him in the stomach.
(b) Cuts his throat.
(c) Strangles him.
(d) Stabs him in the back.

2. What does Ben use for a trap to slow down the monster he dubs 'Big Bertha' and the two smaller monsters?
(a) A pressurized can of air.
(b) A can of pepper spray.
(c) A group of bullets taped together.
(d) A flare.

3. What does Flattery tell Blakely in chapter nine when Blakely tells him not to fret?
(a) He would feel better if Ashley and the others knew the truth.
(b) They didn't find Wombley's body, only blood.
(c) He will rest easier when the mission is over.
(d) He is paid to worry.

4. What does Khalid tell Ben when Ben is talking about the room that they have found being full of quartz in chapter seventeen?
(a) It is not quartz, but diamonds.
(b) The quartz are covered with fungi.
(c) He has never seen anything like them.
(d) It is also full of rubys and emeralds.

5. What does Ashley ask Blakely while they are traveling down into the caverns in the elevators in chapter six?
(a) If they are going to need passes to get past security.
(b) Why there aren't any stairs.
(c) If they are going to investigate the continent or rape it.
(d) If they are going to need weapons.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ashley tell Ben when he says that he and she should be paired up when looking for Halloway?

2. What does Michaelson say might rub off of Jason onto Ben since they were hanging out so much in chapter five?

3. What does Khalid say is the critical stipulation for exploration of Antartica?

4. What does Ashley tell Jason that the computer is in his room for in chapter seven?

5. What happens in the end of chapter seventeen when Michaelson, Ashley, and Ben have reached the top of the wall they were climbing?

(see the answer key)

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