Son of a Trickster Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Eden Robinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Son of a Trickster Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Eden Robinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is revealed about Mrs. Jaks in Chapter 9: "Cooking With Ebony"?
(a) She used to go by a different name.
(b) She lost her job.
(c) Her dog has cancer.
(d) She has cancer.

2. What does Jared's mom say at then end of Chapter 22: "Ragged-Ass Road" when she returns after being gone for months and Jared apologizes?
(a) "Of course I forgive you, you jerk" (175).
(b) "I don't believe you" (175).
(c) "You aren't sorry. But you will be" (175).
(d) "No words. Let's just move forward" (175).

3. Who does Jared buy the weed for his cookies from?
(a) Mrs. Brantford.
(b) Mrs. Jak.
(c) Ter.
(d) Death Threat.

4. What is Jared's dad's name?
(a) Wayne.
(b) Wee'git.
(c) Peter.
(d) Phil.

5. Who does Jared encounter arguing in the parking lot in Chapter 19: "Adventures of the All Natives"?
(a) Dylan and Ebony.
(b) A group of crows.
(c) Dylan and Sarah.
(d) Crashpad and Dylan.

6. Who does Jared's mom date soon after his dad leaves them?
(a) Richie.
(b) Stanley.
(c) David.
(d) Billy.

7. What does Jared help cook in Chapter 23: "Doctor Who Marathon"?
(a) Spaghetti.
(b) Pork chops.
(c) Salmon.
(d) Beans.

8. Why does Jared's mom hurt David?
(a) He asks her to marry him.
(b) He tries to break up with her.
(c) David tries to hurt Jared.
(d) He steals money from her.

9. Where does Jared wake up at the beginning of Chapter 19: "Adventures at the All Native"?
(a) Motel.
(b) His own room.
(c) Dylan's backyard.
(d) Crashpad's house.

10. What animal appears to speak to Jared in Chapter 4: "All Shook Up"?
(a) A dog.
(b) A raven.
(c) A cat.
(d) A robin.

11. What does Jared believe happened to his soul during the traumatic event with his mom and David?
(a) It exploded in light.
(b) It shrivelled and died.
(c) It popped out his body.
(d) It went dark.

12. Why does Jared not accept the hitchhiking ride he is finally offered in Chapter 19: "Adventures of the All Natives"?
(a) Crows fly by and warn him not to.
(b) The woman knows his mother.
(c) A dog in the backseat is growling at him.
(d) The woman appears to turn into a monster.

13. Whose haircut does Jared imitate in Chapter 8: "The Christmas Tree Hunt"?
(a) His dad's.
(b) Blake's.
(c) Richie's.
(d) Dylan's.

14. What nickname does Jared's dad have for him?
(a) JJ.
(b) Jelly Bean.
(c) Junebug.
(d) Jelly Roll.

15. Who is Anita Moody?
(a) Jared's neighbor.
(b) Jared's mother.
(c) Jared's paternal grandmother.
(d) Jared's maternal grandmother.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sarah insinuate about Dylan in Chapter 22: "Ragged-Ass Road" that makes Jared uncomfortable?

2. What drug has Jared's dad recently gone through withdrawal from?

3. Why does Jared shower at school in Chapter 21: "Home Alone"?

4. Who shows up drunk on Crashpad's doorstep in Chapter 23: "Doctor Who Marathon"?

5. In Chapter 1, what movie does Nana Sophia take Jared to see at the movie theater?

(see the answer keys)

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