Sister, Sister Test | Final Test - Medium

Eric Jerome Dickey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sister, Sister Test | Final Test - Medium

Eric Jerome Dickey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Tommy Williams?
(a) Inda's real father.
(b) Valerie's real father.
(c) Chiquita's real father.
(d) Thaddeus's real father.

2. Which funeral did Chiquita's mother not attend?
(a) The funeral of Chiquita's father.
(b) The funeral of Chiquita's sister.
(c) The funeral of Chiquita's grandparents.
(d) The funeral of Chiquita's uncle and aunty.

3. What makes Inda's mind go blank?
(a) Thaddeus's worried eyes.
(b) The police are after Valerie.
(c) Michael's offer to help.
(d) Her phone ringing.

4. How can you tell if Moms is really worried?
(a) She is not well dressed.
(b) She starts shouting.
(c) She talks too fast.
(d) She bites her fingernails.

5. Which cartoon character is on Inda's shirt that Valerie puts on?
(a) Donald Duck.
(b) Mickey Mouse.
(c) Bugs Bunny.
(d) Daffy Duck.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who would Inda pay $1.98 per minute to talk to?

2. What impression does the old man give of Chiquita's mother's house?

3. What is the last thing Chiquita gives Raylette?

4. Where are Pops's side of the family?

5. How does Chiquita see Inda?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Michael reveal himself?

2. What motivates Chiquita to find her mother?

3. What does Chiquita suggest Inda to do?

4. Why does Chiquita approach Raymond?

5. Why does Valerie decide to go to Canada?

6. What did Chiquita and Brown actually do?

7. What happens when Inda and Brown decide to leave?

8. What happens of Daniel's appearance at Inda and Valerie's house?

9. What does Chiquita tell Inda in the bathroom?

10. What happens in the mall?

(see the answer keys)

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