She Stoops to Conquer Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

She Stoops to Conquer Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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A talkative, likable servant with poor table manners and a broad sense of humor.

Miss Kate Hardcastle

She seeks in marriage a compatible and companionable husband, not money or status, by pretending to be a barmaid.

Mr. Hardcastle

He may be stuffy, long-winded, and old-fashioned, but he affectionately humors his wife, and loves his daughter.

Mrs. Hardcastle

Not evil as much as selfish and misguided, she lacks self-knowledge. While her husband enjoys rural pleasures, she yearns for a fashionable London social life and complains that they never entertain.


He loves Constance Neville, who returns his affection. He wants to marry her and has the permission of her now-dead father.


The proprietor of the Three Pigeons alehouse.

Mr. Woodward

Gives the prologue in a teary parody of the speech of Hamlet speaking to his mother.

Tony Lumpkin

He is a prankster and enjoys such practical jokes...

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