The Radicalism of the American Revolution Test | Final Test - Medium

Gordon S. Wood
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Radicalism of the American Revolution Test | Final Test - Medium

Gordon S. Wood
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. By 1820, which territories had doubled the size of America?
(a) Alabama and Mississippi.
(b) Florida and Alabama.
(c) Florida and Louisiana.
(d) Louisiana and Mississippi.

2. When did the first American Congress meet?
(a) 1787.
(b) 1786.
(c) 1788.
(d) 1789.

3. When did Americans begin to call for the boycotting of British goods?
(a) When the Patriotic Society was formed.
(b) When Mechanics Hall became a meeting place.
(c) When artisans in Philadelphia won four city offices.
(d) When the Stamp Act was issued.

4. Who believed progress and social harmony would result from the enlightened conclusion of the new American society?
(a) Robert Munsford.
(b) James Allen.
(c) John Quincy Adams.
(d) Jeremy Belknap.

5. What did Leverett Saltonstall call "the great bond of civil society"?
(a) Democracy.
(b) Christianity.
(c) Individual conscience.
(d) Freedom.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much were the first congressmen and senators paid per day of service?

2. Who said, "Idolatry to Monarchs and servility of Aristocratic Pride was never so totally eradicated from so many in so short a time"?

3. Who wrote "Common Sense"?

4. Whose Massachusetts family had done missionary work among the Indians?

5. What was the most radical ideology initiated by the Revolution?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does this quote mean? "Idolatry to Monarchs, and servility to Aristocratic Pride was never so totally eradicated from so many in so short a time."

2. How was liberalism measured during the Enlightenment?

3. What did the American westward movement of the early 19th century do to traditional forms of social organization?

4. After the signing of the Declaration of Independence, why did the revolutionary leaders almost immediately begin to doubt that their hope of a utopian America would be realized?

5. What did individual independence mean to revolutionaries?

6. What social conditions which normally precipitate a revolution were absent during the American Revolution?

7. On what precept was freemasonry organized?

8. By the end of the 18th century, what was the source of the American aristocracy's downfall?

9. How did the numerous bankruptcies and financial collapses of the 1790s contribute to the democratization of America?

10. Why were the American gentry alarmed at the desire of the common people to share in the conduct of the government?

(see the answer keys)

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