Piecing Me Together Test | Final Test - Medium

Renée Watson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Piecing Me Together Test | Final Test - Medium

Renée Watson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Bailey, one of Maxine's friends, go to college?
(a) San Diego University.
(b) Amherst College.
(c) Portland State.
(d) University of Alabama.

2. Where do Maxine's parents live?
(a) In California.
(b) In the suburbs.
(c) In the rich part of Portland.
(d) In Vancouver.

3. In Chapter 63, how does Jade know she and Sam are no longer friends?
(a) They do not invite each other over.
(b) They do not have lunch together.
(c) They do not laugh at each other's jokes.
(d) They do not ride the bus together.

4. How does Mia react to Lee Lee and Jades' idea in Chapter 69?
(a) Pre-occupied.
(b) Anxious.
(c) Doubtful.
(d) Excited.

5. At Mia's gallery, what does Jade ask her about?
(a) Volunteering.
(b) Internships.
(c) Owning a business.
(d) Becoming a successful artist.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the end of Chapter 66, what does Jade say Mia told her that her gallery was for?

2. Where is the open mic night hosted?

3. Who comes over in Chapter 73 to help plan the open mic night for Natasha Ramsey?

4. What flavor of chocolate cake does Jade pick out for Maxine's family dinner?

5. What does the saleswoman accuse Jade of doing in the store?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Maxine act when Jade's family start to ask her questions?

2. What is Jade's reaction to seeing Maxine's family and their house, which overlooks the city of Portland?

3. In Chapter 55, when Lee Lee, Andrea, and Jade watch a Black woman being stopped by white police officers, how do they respond?

4. What news is announced at the Winters' dinner table and how does Maxine respond to it?

5. When Sam and Jade talk about the trip to Costa Rica, what does Jade say to Sam that she will never understand?

6. In Chapter 54, why does Jade not want to go to Sam's house?

7. What event does Maxine plan at her apartment as a mentor/mentee bonding experience?

8. In Chapter 66, what subject is Lee Lee working on for homework?

9. What is the general flow of events for the fundraiser for Woman to Woman?

10. What does Gina, a Woman to Woman board member, encourage Jade to do?

(see the answer keys)

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