Piecing Me Together Fun Activities

Renée Watson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Piecing Me Together Fun Activities

Renée Watson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Movie Score

Pretend Piecing Me Together was made into a movie, and select five songs that would work well for music to accompany the movie. Be sure to specify which scene each song supports.

Relatable Character

Which character in the novel could you relate to best, and why?

Reading More Watson

Read another book by Renee Watson and compare/contrast it to Piecing Me Together.

Designing Book Covers

Create a book cover or jacket for Piecing Me Together. It should include the title, author, a brief author biography, and summary of the book. You can draw, graphically design, paint, animate, or use mixed-media to design your book cover or jacket.

Journaling and Collaging: Lives Reimagined

Select one major event in your own life and write one journal entry about it. Then, write five or six more journal entries, reimagining different possible outcomes or scenarios, as if you were...

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