Marx for Beginners Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Marx for Beginners Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From what does this type of value come?
(a) Putting knowledgeable people of value into the commodity.
(b) Putting something else of value into the commodity.
(c) Taking something else of value out of the commodity.
(d) Putting someone else of value into the commodity.

2. What states that there is nothing beyond the natural?
(a) Materialism.
(b) Realists.
(c) Christians.
(d) Conservative.

3. Hegel was attacked for these thoughts. Why?
(a) Largely because he was wrong.
(b) Largely because he was considered insane.
(c) Largely because his beliefs went against more powerful individuals.
(d) Largely because he used the dialectical method.

4. A group of the intellectuals thought the means of production needed to be destroyed and that individuals should do what?
(a) Go back to being in small family groups.
(b) Go back to being hunters and gatherers.
(c) Go back to being artisans and farmers.
(d) Go back to being slaves.

5. Rius examines the roots of Marxism. At what does he begin by looking?
(a) Neanderthals.
(b) Early man.
(c) The Book of Genesis.
(d) The Middle Ages.

6. Capitalism will need to be replaced by what?
(a) A dictatorship.
(b) Socialism.
(c) A form of government that will protect and value the worker.
(d) Democracy.

7. The capitalist buys what, along with the supplies, to make his product?
(a) The labor.
(b) Supporters.
(c) The building to house the supplies.
(d) Othe wealthy capitalists.

8. The term from number 116 comes from Greek where it means what?
(a) Led by females.
(b) Placed beyond physics.
(c) Machinery.
(d) Evil.

9. How did this group of people at this point in human history begin the creation of social classes?
(a) They organized themselves according to interests and family groups.
(b) The smarter of the people began leading and instructing the others.
(c) These "special" people gradually became the ruling or upper class.
(d) Those who had made discoveries were put in charge of the other people.

10. Marx argued in ________________________ that the more a worker produced, the less he could consume, and the more value a man creates, the less he has.
(a) The Manuscript of 1864.
(b) The Manuscript of 1834.
(c) The Manuscript of 1854.
(d) The Manuscript of 1844.

11. The Communist Manifesto was a call for all workers to do what?
(a) Consider Communism.
(b) Unite against capitalism.
(c) Form unions.
(d) Listen to Marx.

12. The coalition can gain even more ground by doing what?
(a) Gaining more members.
(b) Starting more unions.
(c) Becoming more organized.
(d) Entering the political realm as a political party.

13. According to Hegel, if the worker obeyed the state, what would happen?
(a) He would one day join the elite class.
(b) He would earn more money.
(c) He would be protected.
(d) He would find spiritual happiness.

14. When does alienation occur?
(a) An exploited laborer earns a wage, but the object he makes belongs to someone else, and the worker becomes a machine.
(b) When one is left alone in a strange land.
(c) The making of a company into a machine.
(d) When one becomes isolated.

15. With this philosophy of seeing everything as mechanical, things are immutable or _____________________.
(a) Unchanging.
(b) Changing.
(c) Rarely changing.
(d) Usually changing.

Short Answer Questions

1. Can capitalism solve the problems of humanity?

2. What is the only solution to Engels and Marx for fixing humanity's problems?

3. Giambattista Vico produced some _____________________ during this time, although he is not as well-known.

4. Marx wanted to create explanations without including who?

5. Marx is a materialist and his work attempts to bring more consistency to _______________.

(see the answer keys)

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