Marx for Beginners Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Marx for Beginners Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 5 (pg. 95-123).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Of what church did Marx's father become a member?
(a) The Methodist church.
(b) The Catholic church.
(c) The Mormon church.
(d) The Lutheran church.

2. Today, people could be divided into three different groups, according to Rius. What are these three groups?
(a) Those who hate Marx, those who really hate Marx, and those who do not want to even think of Marx.
(b) Those who hate Marx, those who love him, and those who do not know him.
(c) Those who love Marx, those who like Marx, and those who are unsure about Marx.
(d) Those who do not know Marx, those who study Marx, and those who are experts of Marxism.

3. How did Marx's father feel about him studying philosophy?
(a) He was not pleased.
(b) He was perplexed.
(c) He did not have an opinion on the matter.
(d) He was very pleased.

4. Aristotle argued that social conflict occurred because of what reason?
(a) Economic and social inequality.
(b) Differing beliefs among people.
(c) Varying levels of intelligence.
(d) Fate.

5. What was the counter attack of science and reason against religious fanaticism and dogma?
(a) The Renaissance.
(b) The Neoclassical Period.
(c) The Romantic Period.
(d) The Middle Ages.

Short Answer Questions

1. Marx concerned himself less with making a living than doing what?

2. If power was in the hands of the people, it was what?

3. Giambattista Vico produced some _____________________ during this time, although he is not as well-known.

4. Rius argues that the various movements and revolutions that have happened since Marx's time point to what?

5. Hegel wanted to justify the idea of God by proposing what?

(see the answer key)

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