Lord Hornblower Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

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Lord Hornblower Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 19 and 20.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Lord St. Vincent leave the church service?
(a) He is disturbed by news brought to him by a lieutenant.
(b) He is not feeling well.
(c) He forgets another appointment.
(d) He needs to use the facilities.

2. Why is Hornblower upset by the English newspaper article?
(a) He thinks Chadwick should be punished more severely.
(b) He doesn't think his actions merit comparisons with his hero Lord Nelson.
(c) As long as Napoleon lives, the war is never going to end.
(d) He can't believe Barbara cheats on him.

3. What does the crew of the Flame want?
(a) A commendation for their Captain for services above and beyond.
(b) A fair share of the prize money taken by their sister ship, the Porta Coeli.
(c) Shore leave as they are on the ship for over a year.
(d) A full pardon and a trial for Lieutenant Chadwick.

4. What else does Brown tell Hornblower he plans to do?
(a) Join the Porta Coeli crew and become Captain Freeman's servant.
(b) Use his saved prize money and settle down in Rome.
(c) Open an inn in Paris.
(d) Go to America and seek his fortune.

5. What does Hornblower think of the Flame's crew and their demands?
(a) The Admiralty should ignore the matter.
(b) Chadwick obviously doesn't treat them harshly enough.
(c) Flogging is a cruel punishment and the crew has his sympathies.
(d) They are lying and therefore have no case.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lieutenant Freeman offer to do for the other captains?

2. How does Napoleon respond to the Comte and his followers?

3. What does Hornblower think of Captain Bush?

4. Why is royalty coming to Le Havre?

5. What does the Duchess Marie Thérèse tell Hornblower about Nevers and their reaction to Napoleon coming into power again?

(see the answer key)

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