Lord Hornblower Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

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Lord Hornblower Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 4 and 5.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the crew of the Flame say in the letter they send to the Admiralty?
(a) They are tired of the blockade and want to go home.
(b) They are flogged and starved on Lieutenant Chadwick's orders.
(c) Lieutenant Chadwick is selling secrets to the French.
(d) They want shore leave.

2. At the beginning of the book, Horatio Hornblower is not aboard a ship, why?
(a) He is waiting for his ship to be repaired.
(b) He is attending a funeral of a friend at Westminster Abbey.
(c) He is still recuperating from his bout of typhus.
(d) He is recalled to answer charges of insurbordination.

3. What does the crew of the Flame want?
(a) A commendation for their Captain for services above and beyond.
(b) A fair share of the prize money taken by their sister ship, the Porta Coeli.
(c) A full pardon and a trial for Lieutenant Chadwick.
(d) Shore leave as they are on the ship for over a year.

4. Who gives Hornblower his next assignment in the beginning of the book?
(a) Prince of Wales.
(b) Lord St. Vincent.
(c) Duke of Wellington.
(d) No one, he already has an assignment.

5. Who acts as Hornblower's servant on board the Porta Coeli?
(a) Hornblower takes care of his own needs.
(b) As per tradition, the oldest sailor on board.
(c) Brown, Hornblower's coxswain.
(d) A midshipman assigned to him.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Hornblower's assignment regarding the Flame particularly difficult?

2. How doesl Hornblower get to the Flame?

3. What does Hornblower think of the Flame's crew and their demands?

4. Who meets Hornblower and identifies himself as Captain of the Flame?

5. What does Nathaniel Sweet show Hornblower that surprises him?

(see the answer key)

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