Objects & Places from Let Me Tell You What I Mean

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Objects & Places from Let Me Tell You What I Mean

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Underground Newspapers

Didion writes in "Alicia and the Underground Press" that writers of these are typically more honest than writers of conventional newspapers.

Gambler's Anonymous Meeting

Joan attends this event in Gardena, California in her essay "Getting Serenity."

San Simeon

This is the castle built by the William Randolph Hearst describe in "A Trip to Xanadu."

Stanford Rejection Letter

Joan shows this to her young cousin in "On Being Unchosen by the College of One's Choice."


These are what Nancy Reagan is told to pick in "Pretty Nancy."

News clipping of Skip Skivington's son

A father shows this to Didion in "Fathers, Sons, and Screaming Eagles."

English 106A

This is the class Didion took during her junior year at Berkeley that made her feel less intelligent and experienced that her classmates.

Vogue Photoshoots

Didion describes having to attend these in her story "Some Women" and describes one...

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