Let Me Tell You What I Mean Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Let Me Tell You What I Mean Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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"Alicia and the Underground Press," "Getting Serenity," "A Trip to Xanadu"

1. Who is the author of Let Me Tell You What I Mean?
(a) Alicia Didion.
(b) Joan Didion.
(c) Ernest Hemingway.
(d) Martha Stewart.

2. What is one of the newspapers that the author lists as one of the few that do not make her feel as though "the oxygen has been cut off from [her] brain tissue" (20)?
(a) The New York Times.
(b) The EastSide Reporter.
(c) The San Francisco Chronicle.
(d) The Wall Street Journal.

3. What are the underground newspapers Didion describes in "Alicia and the Underground Press" able to do that mainstream papers are not?
(a) They are able to contain their bias.
(b) They are able to sway the reader's opinion.
(c) They are able to speak indirectly to the reader.
(d) They are able to get through to the readers.

4. In "Alicia and the Underground Press," what does Didion feel the claim to have no bias in reporting leads to in writing?
(a) Honesty.
(b) Dishonesty.
(c) Clarity.
(d) Objectivity.

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