Interior Chinatown Test | Final Test - Medium

Charles Yu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Interior Chinatown Test | Final Test - Medium

Charles Yu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the protagonist suggest that he can teach the children on Karen and Phoebe's show?
(a) Storytelling.
(b) Acting.
(c) Singing.
(d) Kung Fu.

2. What happens when the protagonist is finally freed from Black and White?
(a) The show moves its location to a Hispanic barrio.
(b) The show rebrands itself as "Black and Yellow."
(c) A new "Generic Asian Man" takes his place on the show.
(d) The show ends, leaving Chinatown permanently.

3. What does "ACT VI: THE CASE OF THE MISSING ASIAN" begin with?
(a) A list of anti-Asian laws.
(b) The surprise entrance of Older Brother.
(c) A list of when anti-Asian laws were repealed.
(d) The protagonist sitting in court.

4. Where does Dorothy go to live next after she leaves Alabama?
(a) California.
(b) Mississippi.
(c) The Chinatown SRO Apartments.
(d) Ohio.

5. Why do some of the actors think that having their characters die is a good thing?
(a) They enjoy having some time away from acting.
(b) They know that having your character die is the only way to get cast as a higher-status character.
(c) They think that if you play the same character long enough you forget who you are.
(d) They all hate their characters, anyway.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Green asks to make a statement, how does the judge respond?

2. In ACT V: KUNG FU DAD," what does the protagonist ask about the story that Phoebe and Karen are living in, now?

3. Why do Dorothy and Ming-Chen Wu end up renting a place to live at the Chinatown SRO?

4. What is the reign of violent oppression begun by Chiang Kai-shek called?

5. What is a "dialectic"?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Yu set the reader up to feel the maximum impact of the revelation of Phoebe's fifth "fear"?

2. What observations about family life does Yu make in the section "GENERIC ASIAN KID"?

3. What is the significance, during the protagonist's monologue, of the light hitting him "just right" (245)?

4. What happens to Ming-Chen Wu when he finally gets the role of Sifu?

5. What happens to Ming-Chen Wu's friend Allen after he becomes a success in the United States?

6. Explain the literal and nonliteral meanings of the world inside Phoebe's closet.

7. What is the real struggle that the protagonist is undergoing as he tries to tell Phoebe a story?

8. In what ways does "ACT V: KUNG FU DAD" show that Phoebe's innocence and youth are protective?

9. How does Dorothy's sister Angela treat her, and what is ironic about Angela's eventual fate?

10. What is the double-meaning of "learning time" in "ACT V: KUNG FU DAD"?

(see the answer keys)

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