Interior Chinatown Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Charles Yu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Interior Chinatown Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Charles Yu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 3: "ACT III: ETHNIC RECURRING".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the protagonist of Interior Chinatown?
(a) Sifu.
(b) Choy.
(c) Charles.
(d) Willis.

2. Why does the protagonist finally step into the spotlight during the filming of Black and White?
(a) He is genuinely concerned that the Old Asian Man might get fired for not speaking English.
(b) He can no longer put up with the casually racist jokes on the set.
(c) He cannot stand that his father seems to have accepted his role as a passive object.
(d) He is afraid that this time the officers will really shoot the Old Asian Man.

3. In the flashback in In "ACT II: INT. GOLDEN PALACE," what does the protagonist keep telling his mother he is going to do?
(a) Run away from home.
(b) Become a director.
(c) Marry the Hostess.
(d) Grow up to be Bruce Lee.

4. What does Bonnie Tsui say represents "the ambiguous Asian everywhere" (iv)?
(a) Chinese food.
(b) Chinatown.
(c) Kung Fu.
(d) Orientalism.

5. Who is "Older Brother"?
(a) The protagonist's older brother.
(b) It is their name for Bruce Lee.
(c) Sifu's older brother.
(d) A semi-mythic "ideal" Asian man.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the abbreviation "INT." stand for in setting descriptions?

2. What is the main problem with living on the floor that the protagonist lives on?

3. On page 93, to whom does the protagonist deliver the line "You move slow, like a turtle"?

4. In the narrative present, which role does the protagonist's father play?

5. In what way does the Old Asian Man break character?

(see the answer key)

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