Interior Chinatown Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Charles Yu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Interior Chinatown Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Charles Yu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 2: "ACT II: INT. GOLDEN PALACE".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "ACT II: INT. GOLDEN PALACE," how does the protagonist spoil the fun that the other men are having outside his room?
(a) He tells them that he heard that the show is discontinuing the role of Kung Fu Guy.
(b) He reminds them that they do not matter to Black and White at all--they are generic and replaceable.
(c) He asks them how it would matter if one of them got to play Kung Fu Guy.
(d) He questions their dignity and authenticity.

2. What is the stated purpose of the protagonist's visits to his father?
(a) Cleaning his father's home.
(b) Kung fu lessons.
(c) Practicing lines.
(d) Delivering medications.

3. What words could be said to summarize the "Repertoire" listed on page 7?
(a) Bitter, demanding.
(b) Ambiguous, vague.
(c) Limited, stereotypical.
(d) Ambitious, unrealistic.

4. What is the main problem with living on the floor that the protagonist lives on?
(a) It often floods because the shower pan on the floor above is cracked.
(b) It is the only floor that does not have its own bathroom and shower.
(c) It is the floor where all of the gang members live.
(d) It is a high floor and the elevator is always broken.

5. What is the real purpose of the protagonist's visits to his father?
(a) Taking care of his father's needs.
(b) Trying to reunite his father and mother.
(c) Learning about his family's history.
(d) Urging his father to go into a retirement home.

Short Answer Questions

1. After the accident with the hot tea, what visible reminder is there of the protagonist's carelessness?

2. In "ACT II: INT. GOLDEN PALACE," why does the protagonist's father want to see him?

3. In what way does the Old Asian Man break character?

4. What does the abbreviation "INT." stand for in setting descriptions?

5. What is "White Lady Cop's" name?

(see the answer key)

This section contains 386 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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