God: A Biography Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Jack Miles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

God: A Biography Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Jack Miles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 3.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does God do as he creates the world and populates it with animals in five days?
(a) He talks to himself.
(b) He decides what animals to create.
(c) He ponders what to make.
(d) He talks to the angels.

2. What has the Tanakh always been?
(a) The story of God's struggle to be polytheistic.
(b) The story of God's inner conflict being resolved into monotheism.
(c) The change of God from monotheism to polytheism.
(d) A guide to the godly life.

3. To what literary character does the author compare God?
(a) Juliette.
(b) Caesar.
(c) Don Quixote.
(d) Jo March.

4. For what acronym is "Tanakh?"
(a) Taliya, "describe," newsome, "interpret," and kettlyn, "evaluate."
(b) Tambor, "muse," nell, "god," and kell, "sanctity."
(c) Torah, "teaching," nebim, "prophets," and ketubim, "writings."
(d) Tyra, "speaker," nebular, "cosmic," and ketchem, "source."

5. What is unimportant in Genesis 1, but becomes a matter of shame in Genesis 2?
(a) The apple.
(b) The couple's nakedness.
(c) The snake in the garden.
(d) The man and woman being different.

Short Answer Questions

1. Before moving on to the Book of Exodus, what does Miles do?

2. What does God not do as he is creating the world and animals?

3. Why do the Jew leave the text where it is?

4. Why does the author use the Jewish canon, or Tanakh, for study?

5. How does God create a male?

(see the answer key)

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