Front Desk Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Kelly Yang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Front Desk Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Kelly Yang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much does a room at the Calivista for one night cost?
(a) $20 plus tax.
(b) $30 plus tax.
(c) $25 plus tax.
(d) $15 plus tax.

2. What does Jason tell Mia his father told him about China?
(a) It is a rich country.
(b) China produces wonderful musicians.
(c) China teaches math well.
(d) There is nothing but piles of dirt and trash there.

3. What prize did Mia briefly get in fourth-grade that was almost immediately taken away?
(a) A glittery pencil.
(b) A flower.
(c) A special notebook that smelled like chocolate.
(d) A new pack of markers.

4. What does Mr. Yao do to Mia's parents in Chapter 6 that upsets her parents?
(a) Makes her parents fill out many forms.
(b) Tries to lessen the amount of money they will get for each room rented.
(c) Makes her parents give him their passports.
(d) Makes her parents pay for the rental insurance.

5. What does Mia tell her class about herself in Part I?
(a) She is from Hauango Province.
(b) She has a golden retriever.
(c) She is from Japan.
(d) She works at the front desk.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much does it cost to enter the motel giveaway essay contest?

2. What sign does Mia make for the motel in Chapter 15?

3. What kind of trouble is Mia's family's first visitor at the motel in?

4. In which state is a couple looking to give away their motel in an essay contest?

5. What important machine breaks in the hotel during Mia's family's first weeks there?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why was the memory of the chocolate-scented notebook such a painful one for Mia?

2. How does Mia's class act when Mrs. Douglas introduces China as the topic?

3. What ideas does Mia have to make the motel safer for her and her parents?

4. What happens that causes a great stir at the motel in Chapter 21?

5. Who helps Mia when she mistakenly buzzes a drunk person into the motel, and what does the person helping her do?

6. What does Mr. Yao tell Mia is the difference between a good employee and a bad employee?

7. What does Hank Caleb tell Mia about Mr. Yao when she first meets Hank?

8. In Chapter 16, why does Mia tell her mother she does not want her favorite cereal at the store?

9. What act of kindness and generosity does Mia do for Uncle Li in Chapter 16?

10. What is the school principal's reaction to find out Mia speaks English when she meets Mia for the first time?

(see the answer keys)

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