Front Desk Test | Final Test - Easy

Kelly Yang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Front Desk Test | Final Test - Easy

Kelly Yang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mia's mother say when Mia tells her about the kids in school being mad at her for not getting the math problem right for their team?
(a) She agrees with the kids at school.
(b) She tells Mia they should have been able to get the answer themselves.
(c) She tells Mia that she has saved money for Mia to go to a new private school.
(d) She tells Mia that is racist stereotyping.

2. What does Mia's mother stuff her shopping bags with that she carries around the stores?
(a) Toilet paper.
(b) Scarves.
(c) Food.
(d) Notebooks.

3. What does Mia's father tell her in Chapter 34 that really gives her confidence?
(a) She is a fine front desk worker.
(b) She is incredibly resourceful.
(c) She is a fine story writer.
(d) She is going to be a great chef someday.

4. What does Mia's father say he is thankful for on Thanksgiving?
(a) That Mia is entering the essay contest.
(b) That Mia's mother is OK.
(c) That he got to talk to his brother on the phone recently.
(d) That they are living at the Calivista.

5. What kind of clothing does Mia want badly but can not afford in Chapter 29?
(a) A swimsuit.
(b) Jeans.
(c) A halter top.
(d) New sneakers.

6. What does Mia's father buy for her in Chapter 34?
(a) A shiny, expensive pencil.
(b) A headband.
(c) A new bike.
(d) An ice cream.

7. Where does Mia's mother like to go and browse around sometimes in Chapter 36?
(a) Penny's.
(b) The Gap.
(c) Macy's.
(d) Vero Moda.

8. Why are the girls in Mia's class happy she is on their math team in Chapter 32?
(a) They know she is the state math champion.
(b) They have seen that she has never gotten less than 100 percent on math tests.
(c) They are happy she is not on their team for English.
(d) They think she will be good at math because she is Chinese.

9. In Chapter 41, who is Mia waiting up late for to come back to the motel?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Hank.
(c) Mr. Yao.
(d) Jason.

10. How much does Mia's family end up paying for her mother's hospital care?
(a) $250.
(b) $150.
(c) $500.
(d) $300.

11. What is one reason Mia has a hard time with tenses in English?
(a) She focuses too much on other elements of grammar.
(b) She struggles with dyslexia and it makes it harder for her to learn tenses.
(c) There are no tenses in Chinese.
(d) She was never taught tenses.

12. Why does the hospital administrator say Mia's family does not qualify for having fees waived?
(a) They are doctors themselves.
(b) They have paid for health care before.
(c) They get free rent.
(d) They make too much money.

13. What does Mia secretly do for Hank in Chapter 44?
(a) Write him a reference letter for a job he is applying for.
(b) Call his sister and ask her to come visit him.
(c) Win a car in a contest.
(d) Loan him money from her tip jar.

14. In Chapter 34, who comforts Mia after her fight with her mother?
(a) Caleb.
(b) Mrs. Q.
(c) Mr. Yao.
(d) Frank.

15. Who used to work with Mia's mother as an engineer in China that comes to visit in Chapter 47?
(a) Xiao Zhang.
(b) Uncle Li.
(c) Aunt Ming.
(d) Aunt Zao.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 31, who comes to visit Mia's parents?

2. What kind of job does Hank apply for in Chapter 44?

3. What kind of car do Mia and Lupe see in Mr. Lorenz's driveway?

4. Why is the security guard at the Topaz so mad at Mia in Chapter 51?

5. What does Mia's mother eat when she is stressed?

(see the answer keys)

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