Dark Force Rising Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dark Force Rising Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the turbolift car halts in the general alarm, Mara subdues the Imperial passenger, and flees carefully with Luke and Karrde down the track, which is ____.

2. Mara chooses a harrowing vertical landing on a ledge and starts to climb toward the rim when Artoo arrives in a ____.

3. Before the metallic Grand Dukha stand the thirteen male ____ .

4. Mara finds the prisoner list, upcoming shift changes, daily orders and ____.

5. At dusk on Honoghr, Leia and her rescue party are ready to set out, and she is too troubled to pay attention to Threepio's report of an excessively curious ____.

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the book end, according to Luke's discovery?

2. Why isn't Thrawn upset when Luke and Mara escape wit Karrde on the Falcon?

3. Why does Thrawn want to head Leia off at Endor?

4. Explain how Leia gets the upper hand over Fey'lya during the battle to get the Katana Fleet back.

5. Explain how the Noghiri almost arrest Leia and how Leia avoids arrest.

6. How does Fey'lya handle the battle over the Katana Fleet?

7. What happens when Mara and Thrawn meet at Endor?

8. Mara seems to be only interested in her own self-preservation, except where Talon Karrde is concerned. Why do you think that Mara cares so much for Talon Karrde?

9. Explain how the maitrakh's talk about losing four sons to Imperial service influences Leia's attitudes and actions in this section.

10. Fey'lya charges that Han wants the glory of presenting the Katana fleet to bring about Fey'lya's downfall and Ackbar's restoration. Han insists that he wants justice. Which of the two do you agree with?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Foreshadowing is a major theme in the book.

1: List three examples of foreshadowing in the story.

2: Explain how the three examples of foreshadowing that you chose influenced later events in the book.

3. The book is part of a three-book series. What things towards the end of the book seem to foreshadow events in the third book and what opinions do you have of what will happen in the third book as a result of that foreshadowing?

Essay Topic 2

Glory and power are key themes in the story. Explain how each of the following characters was seeking power in the story using at least two examples per character.

1. C'baoth

2. Thrawn

3. Fey'lya

4. Bel Iblis

Essay Topic 3

Inner conflict is a big problem throughout the book, especially for Mara.

1. What is Mara's inner conflict as far as the Empire goes and what causes her to make up her mind about the Empire ultimately?

2. What is the conflict for Mara regarding dealing with Luke Skywalker?

3. What do you think Mara should do or will do in the third book of the series, regarding Luke and her own dealings with the Empire and why?

(see the answer keys)

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