Dark Force Rising Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dark Force Rising Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Luke refuses to finish off the stunned Jedi, hoping to ____.
(a) Torture him.
(b) Turn him to the light side.
(c) Save him.
(d) Learn from him.

2. Winter calls Lady Luck to say that Luke has checked in and wants to rendezvous at ____.
(a) Wayland.
(b) Coruscant.
(c) New Cov.
(d) Dagobah.

3. C'baoth reprimands Luke for leaving his ____ .
(a) Bed.
(b) Mate.
(c) Droid.
(d) Ship.

4. Mara tries to arrange a meeting with Thrawn by identifying herself as The Emperor's ____.
(a) Foot.
(b) Hand.
(c) Head.
(d) Heart.

5. At the Grand Dukha, the spokesman's name is ____ .
(a) Vor'coln.
(b) Vor'corkh.
(c) Vor'con
(d) Vor'copl.

Short Answer Questions

1. Mara still knows the back-door password belonging to ____.

2. Leia realizes that "thirdson" means ____.

3. Mara explains Karrde's accidental discovery of the Katana Fleet and is given ____ to bring back the location/

4. Sena asks Han to convince Mon Mothma to invite ____ to join the New Republic.

5. C'baoth declares that Thrawn is Mara's enemy and her goal is to take his ____ away.

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain how the Noghiri almost arrest Leia and how Leia avoids arrest.

2. On Coruscant, what does Karrde say about his discovery of the Katana Fleet and how do Mon Mothma and Fey'lya take the news?

3. Explain why Lando does not think Bel Iblis is being totally honest about what he's been up to during the time that Bel Iblis was missing.

4. Explain what Sena thinks about the situation with Fey'lya and Ackbar and why Sena feels that way.

5. Explain how Leia gets the upper hand over Fey'lya during the battle to get the Katana Fleet back.

6. Explain why Sena's request to Han about Bel Iblis and Mon Mothma is a bit strange and what questions it raises.

7. How does Fey'lya handle the battle over the Katana Fleet?

8. What happens to Mara when she gets the Etherway out of impoundment and how is it ironic?

9. Explain how Luke and Mara go about the process of rescuing Karrde.

10. Fey'lya charges that Han wants the glory of presenting the Katana fleet to bring about Fey'lya's downfall and Ackbar's restoration. Han insists that he wants justice. Which of the two do you agree with?

(see the answer keys)

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