Dark Force Rising Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dark Force Rising Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the space station, Lando is waiting for ____.
(a) His friend Han to arrive.
(b) Ship repairs.
(c) A spice shipment.
(d) Medical care.

2. The ____ Source leak shows Luke bound for Jomark.
(a) Alpha.
(b) Delta.
(c) Gamma.
(d) Beta.

3. C'baoth wants to train Leia's twins personally and complete ____ 's training.
(a) Mara's.
(b) Vader's.
(c) Luke's.
(d) Han's.

4. ____ is the name of the squdron that Han says engaged TIE Fighters.
(a) Dark.
(b) Wedge.
(c) Rogue.
(d) Antilles.

5. The Katana Fleet was lost ten years before the ____.
(a) Clone Wars.
(b) Corellian Wars.
(c) Coruscant Wars.
(d) Colony Wars.

Short Answer Questions

1. ____ is the number of dreadnaughts that drop out of hyperspace.

2. Thrawn has placed a rich bounty on ____.

3. The voyage with Khabarakh takes ____ to complete.

4. Luke visits Artoo that night, worried that, as at ____ , things are not as he expects.

5. Bel Iblis was rumored dead at ____.

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain Leia's attachment to Endor and the good and bad feelings that she has when she arrives there.

2. Explain the twisted view that the Noghiri take of Darth Vader and the empire.

3. Explain Han's capture and how it reflects badly on Borsk Fey'lya.

4. What is Leia's relationship with the Noghiri?

5. Explain how Mara's role in things to come is foreshadowed in this section.

6. Why does Luke seem a bit unsure at first about whether or not he should try looking for C'baoth and how does he use Leai's assistant, Winter, to make up his mind?

7. What is Han's moral character like, based on chapters three and four?

8. Do you think that Pellaeon respects Grand Admiral Thrawn?

9. Explain Bel Iblis' circumstances since being believed dead.

10. What is Leia's attitude when the maitrakh describes why the planet is in debt to Vader and the Empire.

(see the answer keys)

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