Dark Force Rising Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dark Force Rising Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As Luke looks down on the identical faces of the Imperial troops whom he has killed, he understands that the troopers are ____ .
(a) Too young.
(b) Clones.
(c) His brothers.
(d) Too old.

2. Leia thinks that the Noghiri had been enslaved for seven or eight years, but learns that they have really been enslaved for at least ____.
(a) Nearly a hundred years.
(b) Nearly twenty years.
(c) Nearly fifty years.
(d) Nearly seventy years.

3. Karrde secretly gets Leia to turn on communications circuits so the crew overhears Fey'lya admit that troops are ____ .
(a) Under his control.
(b) Mindless nothings.
(c) Expendable.
(d) Coming to board the ship.

4. C'baoth reprimands Luke for leaving his ____ .
(a) Mate.
(b) Bed.
(c) Ship.
(d) Droid.

5. Mara vows to behave lest she be turned over to mad ____.
(a) Dogs.
(b) Rancors.
(c) C'baoth.
(d) Ysalimiri.

6. Mara still knows the back-door password belonging to ____.
(a) Luke.
(b) The Emperor.
(c) Thrawn.
(d) Vader.

7. Fey'lya charges that Han wants the ____ for presenting the Katana Fleet.
(a) Glory.
(b) Senate seat.
(c) Reward money.
(d) Promotion.

8. Before the metallic Grand Dukha stand the thirteen male ____ .
(a) Dictats.
(b) Council heads.
(c) Priests.
(d) Dynasts.

9. Hearing Imperial weaponry aboard, Han and Lando flee into a ____.
(a) Garbage chute.
(b) Hidden command room.
(c) Escape pod.
(d) Enemy ship.

10. Han and Lando aboard the Coral Vanda scan the Tralla Room as the transparent submersible ____ floats amidst the glorious coral reefs of Pantolomin.
(a) Restaurant.
(b) Casino.
(c) Spaceport.
(d) Bar.

11. Mara needs a Skipray blastboat and ysalamir on a nutrient ____.
(a) Frame.
(b) Feed.
(c) Bag.
(d) Drip.

12. Departing from the meeting with Ferrier, Han and Lando detect a ____.
(a) Space storm.
(b) Flood.
(c) Fire.
(d) Beacon.

13. Five days out of Coruscant, the first expedition comes out of hyperspace, spots ____ and deploys the X-wing.
(a) Star Destroyers.
(b) Landspeeders.
(c) Frigates.
(d) Dreadnaughts.

14. Aboard Quenfis, Leia argues that they cannot abandon the boarding party, particularly with Han and Luke's ____ .
(a) Value back on Coruscant.
(b) Medical problems.
(c) Expertise needed on the Quenfis.
(d) Classified information.

15. Mara explains Karrde's accidental discovery of the Katana Fleet and is given ____ to bring back the location/
(a) Three days.
(b) Two weeks.
(c) Three weeks.
(d) Eight days.

Short Answer Questions

1. Refusing to use mind control as at Nkllon, Luke uses the Force only to suppress the curiosity of ____ men in a pilot's lounge.

2. In the Grand Corridor lined with ch'hala trees, Han tells Fey'lya how trying to play politics by ____ rules has backfired.

3. Karrde wants the expert ____ , Ghent, sent to Coruscant to help prove Ackbar's innocence.

4. Winter calls Lady Luck to say that Luke has checked in and wants to rendezvous at ____.

5. Finding their way to the hangar bay and fighting off TIE fighters, Luke, Mara and Karrde escape into hyperspace, bound for ____.

(see the answer keys)

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