Avatar, The Last Airbender: The Rise of Kyoshi Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

F. C. Yee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Avatar, The Last Airbender: The Rise of Kyoshi Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

F. C. Yee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Avatar, The Last Airbender: The Rise of Kyoshi Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following does Kyoshi note Father Glowworm has?
(a) Human teeth.
(b) Cat teeth.
(c) Dog teeth.
(d) Cow teeth.

2. Which of the following games does Kyoshi recall playing with Kelsang?
(a) Ball-kicking.
(b) Stick-fighting.
(c) Kite-flying.
(d) Cards.

3. Which of the following does Jianzhu use to light a stick of incense in Father Glowworm’s location?
(a) Flint and tinder.
(b) Sulphur match.
(c) Phosphorous match.
(d) Firebending.

4. The comment that “She was a child pulling on a door an adult was holding shut” (108) offers an example of which of the following?
(a) Simile.
(b) Conceit.
(c) Metaphor.
(d) Analogy.

5. Kyoshi’s musing that “Jianzhu made the Earth Kingdom sound like different pieces of flesh stitched together to close a wound” (85) offers an example of which of the following?
(a) Analogy.
(b) Metaphor.
(c) Conceit.
(d) Simile.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following does Jianzhu muse is the lot of the people of Yokoya?

2. Which of the following does the household staff assert would be a good match for Lee, following his poem?

3. Which of the following does Kyoshi note is her accustomed breakfast?

4. Which of the following does Father Glowworm require from Yun and Kyoshi to determine which is the Avatar?

5. Which of the following does Jianzhu cite as a reason he wields influence in the Earth Kingdom?

Short Essay Questions

1. What reasons does Jianzhu give for identifying the Earth Kingdom as “kind of a mess” to Kyoshi (84)?

2. How do Yun and Kyoshi react to Father Glowworm’s assault?

3. What is Kyoshi’s occupation on Jianzhu’s estate, and why does she have it?

4. What thoughts does Kyoshi ascribe to the servants at Jianzhu’s mansion after her evident promotion?

5. What does Kelsang report to Kyoshi as his reason for suspecting she may be the Avatar?

6. What verbal amendment to the agreement with Tagaka does Yun insist upon?

7. How does Jianzhu understand the Air Nomad test for the Avatar to work?

8. How does Jianzhu define the Avatar State to Kyoshi?

9. What does Jianzhu note to Yun Hei-Ran sacrifices to the service of the Avatar?

10. How does Kelsang explain being able to retrieve the Avatar relics to Jianzhu?

(see the answer keys)

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