Avatar, The Last Airbender: The Rise of Kyoshi Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

F. C. Yee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Avatar, The Last Airbender: The Rise of Kyoshi Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

F. C. Yee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Avatar, The Last Airbender: The Rise of Kyoshi Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Two.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following does Jianzhu give as a reason for taking Yun and Kyoshi aloft on Pengpeng without Kelsang?
(a) Kelsang needs more healing time.
(b) Kelsang disapproves of the trip.
(c) He can.
(d) Kelsang is gallivanting off elsewhere.

2. Which of the following earthbenders does Jianzhu note had attempted to determine the Avatar’s birthplace?
(a) Lu Beifong.
(b) Opal Beifong.
(c) Lao Beifong.
(d) Lin Beifong.

3. Which of the following does Kyoshi EXPECT to see upon waking in Jianzhu’s mansion’s infirmary?
(a) Kelsang.
(b) Jianzhu.
(c) Rangi.
(d) Yun.

4. From which of the following does Yun hail?
(a) Omashu.
(b) Zaofu.
(c) Yokoya.
(d) Makapu.

5. Which of the following types of stone does Kyoshi summon against Tagaka?
(a) Granite.
(b) Shale.
(c) Marble.
(d) Basalt.

Short Answer Questions

1. The comment that “They never spoke of it afterwards, the shared impulse that had nearly crashed both of their carriages” (98) offers an example of which of the following?

2. Which of the following sobriquets attaches itself to Tagaka?

3. As which of the following does Yun identify the purpose of many of the cures present where he finds Kyoshi after her firebending test?

4. Which of the following positions does Auntie Mui hold in Jianzhu’s mansion?

5. Which of the following does Kyoshi see upon waking in Jianzhu’s mansion’s infirmary?

(see the answer key)

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