Avatar, The Last Airbender: The Rise of Kyoshi Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

F. C. Yee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Avatar, The Last Airbender: The Rise of Kyoshi Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

F. C. Yee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Avatar, The Last Airbender: The Rise of Kyoshi Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Two.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following sobriquets attaches itself to Tagaka?
(a) Scarlet Spear of the Sunset Ocean.
(b) Red Sword of the Final Morning.
(c) Bloody Flail of the Eastern Sea.
(d) Crimson Queen of the Southern Bay.

2. At which of the following times does Jianzhu notes that “spiritual activity is at its highest” (102)?
(a) Dawn.
(b) Noon.
(c) Midnight.
(d) Twilight.

3. Where does Jianzhu wound Kelsang in their fight after the incident with Father Glowworm?
(a) The arm.
(b) The chest.
(c) The groin.
(d) The neck.

4. Which of the following does Kyoshi EXPECT to see upon waking in Jianzhu’s mansion’s infirmary?
(a) Yun.
(b) Kelsang.
(c) Jianzhu.
(d) Rangi.

5. Which of the following positions is Hei-Ran reported to have held?
(a) Commandant of Fire Army Training Command.
(b) Headmistress of the Royal Fire Academy for Girls.
(c) Seneschal to the Fire Lord.
(d) Queen of Cats and Executrix of All She Surveys.

Short Answer Questions

1. What condition does Yun note Jianzhu’s healers fear he has?

2. The comment that Kyoshi “kept quiet and pretended that the three people who’d fallen in beside her like muggers in an alley weren’t a threat” (18) offers an example of which of the following?

3. How old was the previous Avatar, Kuruk, when he died?

4. How many years pass between Kuruk’s death and the beginning of the novel?

5. Which of the following is the first to die in the violence between Tagaka and the Avatar’s party?

(see the answer key)

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