Avatar, The Last Airbender: The Rise of Kyoshi Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

F. C. Yee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Avatar, The Last Airbender: The Rise of Kyoshi Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

F. C. Yee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Avatar, The Last Airbender: The Rise of Kyoshi Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Approximately how long does Kyoshi spend in Hei-Ran’s firebending test?
(a) 12 minutes.
(b) 2 minutes.
(c) 5 minutes.
(d) 10 minutes.

2. As which of the following does Yun identify the purpose of many of the cures present where he finds Kyoshi after her firebending test?
(a) Flatulence cures.
(b) Fungal infection cures.
(c) Baldness cures.
(d) Insomnia cures.

3. Which of the following is among the toys Kelsang uses to test for the Avatar?
(a) A wicker ball.
(b) A plastic ball.
(c) A rubber ball.
(d) A paper ball.

4. Which of the following earthbenders does Jianzhu note had attempted to determine the Avatar’s birthplace?
(a) King Buro of Omashu.
(b) King Bumi of Omashu.
(c) King Kuei of Ba Sing Se.
(d) King Yi Ming of Ba Sing Se.

5. Where does Jianzhu wound Kelsang in their fight after the incident with Father Glowworm?
(a) The chest.
(b) The arm.
(c) The groin.
(d) The neck.

6. Which of the following is the first to greet Kyoshi when she returns to Jianzhu’s mansion after the incident with Father Glowworm?
(a) Yun.
(b) Kelsang.
(c) Jianzhu.
(d) Rangi.

7. Which of the following does Kyoshi note Father Glowworm has?
(a) Dog teeth.
(b) Human teeth.
(c) Cow teeth.
(d) Cat teeth.

8. From which of the following on Yun’s body does Father Glowworm take what it requires to determine who the Avatar is?
(a) Back.
(b) Jaw.
(c) Elbow.
(d) Ankle.

9. The comment that “She was a child pulling on a door an adult was holding shut” (108) offers an example of which of the following?
(a) Simile.
(b) Analogy.
(c) Conceit.
(d) Metaphor.

10. Which of the following questions does DiMartino report asking FC Yee about Kyoshi in their first talks?
(a) What drives her?
(b) What titillates her?
(c) What emboldens her?
(d) What scares her?

11. Which of the following does the household staff assert would be a good match for Lee, following his poem?
(a) Kyoshi.
(b) Suzi.
(c) Aomi.
(d) Mirai.

12. From which of the following does Yun hail?
(a) Makapu.
(b) Yokoya.
(c) Omashu.
(d) Zaofu.

13. Which of the following does Yun note Tagaka and her corsairs steal from the villages they raid?
(a) Harps.
(b) Bells.
(c) Pipes.
(d) Horns.

14. From which of the following on Kyoshi’s body does Father Glowworm take what it requires to determine who the Avatar is?
(a) Jaw.
(b) Ankle.
(c) Back.
(d) Elbow.

15. Which of the following items does Kyoshi take with her when she flees Jianzhu’s mansion?
(a) Blue cloak.
(b) Gray metal sword.
(c) Red wall hanging.
(d) Green battle outfit.

Short Answer Questions

1. Kyoshi’s musing that “Jianzhu made the Earth Kingdom sound like different pieces of flesh stitched together to close a wound” (85) offers an example of which of the following?

2. Which of the following does Yun note Tagaka and her corsairs steal from the villages they raid?

3. At which of the following times does Jianzhu notes that “spiritual activity is at its highest” (102)?

4. The comment that Aomi had “blundered into a predator with much larger fangs” (22) offers an example of which of the following?

5. How many years pass between Kuruk’s death and the beginning of the novel?

(see the answer keys)

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