Avatar, The Last Airbender: The Rise of Kyoshi Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

F. C. Yee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Avatar, The Last Airbender: The Rise of Kyoshi Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

F. C. Yee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Avatar, The Last Airbender: The Rise of Kyoshi Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Five.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following sages confronts Jianzhu at his mansion regarding the Avatar?
(a) Bumi of Omashu.
(b) Wu the Boulder.
(c) Sage Ryong.
(d) Lu Beifong.

2. Which of the following weapons is attributed to Moon-Seizing Zhu in Hujiang?
(a) Deer-horn blade.
(b) Three-section staff.
(c) Meteor hammer.
(d) Muck rake.

3. To which of the following does Lao Ge compare Kyoshi’s decision to save Te and slay Xu?
(a) A marshal sending one wing aloft while ordering another to stay grounded.
(b) An admiral sending ships out to sea while keeping others in port.
(c) A captain leading a company from the front.
(d) A general sending troops to die in a siege while holding others in reserve.

4. As which of the following are Kyoshi and Rangi initially regarded at Madam Qiji’s?
(a) The Avatar and her companion.
(b) Law enforcement.
(c) Military deserters.
(d) Refugees.

5. Which of the following positions does Auntie Mui hold in Jianzhu’s mansion?
(a) Head of clerical staff.
(b) Head of kitchen staff.
(c) Head of cleaning staff.
(d) Head of personal staff.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following does Jianzhu give as a reason for taking Yun and Kyoshi aloft on Pengpeng without Kelsang?

2. Which of the following is among the toys Kelsang uses to test for the Avatar?

3. For which of the following had the gloves Kyoshi receives originally been intended?

4. Which of the following kinds of establishment is Madam Qiji’s?

5. Which of the following does the household staff assert would be a good match for Lee, following his poem?

(see the answer key)

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