Arthurian Romances Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Arthurian Romances Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to Enide once Erec has returned to her after slaying the giants?
(a) She continues the journey with Erec.
(b) She goes to console the young maiden whose lover was taken.
(c) She heals Erec's wounds and rests.
(d) She is forced into marriage with a count.

2. Which of the following three people do NOT want to marry Fenice?
(a) Alis.
(b) Cliges.
(c) Duke of Saxony.
(d) Duke of Saxony's nephew.

3. Who says "Be certain, had I not loved you, I would never have undertaken this"?
(a) Enide.
(b) Guivret.
(c) King Arthur.
(d) Erec.

4. What adventures does Erec decide to undertake after hearing of it from Guivret?
(a) The Contest of the Sparrowhawk.
(b) The Joy of the Court.
(c) The Slaying of the Giants.
(d) The Hunt of the White Stag.

5. What is Soredamour's position?
(a) Sir Gawain's wife.
(b) Queen's maiden.
(c) King Arthur's maiden.
(d) Alexander's wife.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who captures the white stag?

2. Why do the other knights make fun of Erec after he is married for a while?

3. When Erec awakens, what does he do?

4. At King Arthur's court, what is the color of armor that Cliges wears on the third day of the tournament?

5. To whom does King Arthur trust the governing of England during his leave?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the sparrowhawk contest in Erec and Enide?

2. Briefly describe the initial attraction and relationship between Alexander and Soredamour, in Cliges.

3. How does Guivret prove his friendship towards Erec after being told Erec is dead, in Erec and Enide?

4. How does Fenice allude to Tristan and Isolde in Cliges?

5. Discuss the treatment towards Erec by the King when they meet again en route, in Erec and Enide.

6. What happens after Erec faints after his fight with the giants in Erec and Enide? What does Enide think, and what happens to her?

7. In Cliges, what is the irony behind the golden hairs stitched into the shirt that Alexander receives from the Queen?

8. in Cliges, why does Alexander not want to become a knight in Greece?

9. What foreshadows the eventual discovery of the two secret lovers in Cliges?

10. In Cliges, Alexander and Alis make a pact. What is this pact, and what does the agreement of the pact say about Alis' character?

(see the answer keys)

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