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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Why does Ma'aruf have to go to the Kazi in Ma'aruf The Cobbler And His Wife Fatimah?
2. Why does Fatimah plot to steal the magic ring?
3. What does King Sabur release the Persian from in the story of The Ebony Horse?
4. In Sindbad The Seaman And Sindbad The Landsman, how many voyages does Sindbad The Seaman have?
5. In the story The City of Brass, how many people are in Emir Musa's traveling party to where the cucurbites are found?
Short Essay Questions
1. In what way could this be a sort of cautionary tale from Shahrazad to the king in The Lady And Her Five Suitors?
2. What does Shahrazad illustrate in telling this story to the king in The City of Brass?
3. What in How Abu Hasan Bake Wind does Shahrazad imply about shame?
4. In what ways in Judar And His Brethren does Shahrazad personify evil throughout her story?
5. In the Conclusion, King Shahryar's legacy began bloody and ended in peace and prosperity thanks to the gifted storyteller, Shahrazad. Through her stories and her love she changes the heart of the king and her stories live on through the generations. What kind of a reminder can this conclusion offer to humanity on the whole?
6. What is ironic about the fact of Abu Hasan breaking wind in How Abu Hasan Bake Wind?
7. In The Ebony Horse, the brother Kamar rescues his younger sister from marriage to an ugly old Persian bearing a gift. In the process of helping his sister, Kamar also finds love, so his kindness is rewarded. What is to be learned from this part of the story?
8. What goal in Alaedddin: Or, The Wonderful Lamp may Shahrazad been trying to achieve through this story to the king?
9. What lesson does Shahrazad teach the king through her story in Sindbad The Seaman And Sindbad The Lands?
10. Consider the phrases, "All lies become revealed in time," and "time heals all wounds". How is this played out/proven in Abu Kir The Dyer And Abu Sir The Barber?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Ironically, The Arabian Nights first rose to prominence when it piqued the interest of Western readers, as they were considered to be too "low-lit" to be of interest to Arab literati. Choose three or more tales from the book, and giving examples, explain why the elements of those stories might have been seen as too rough, simple, or rude to the trained eye of upper/class Arab literary intelligentsia.
Essay Topic 2
In this tale of Alaeddin: Or, The Wonderful Lamp, Shahrazad creates a character of mythological proportions who achieves greatness despite social, financial, educational, and logical obstacles. Perhaps it is Shahrazad's goal to humanize the poor through one individual so that the king can appreciate that the poor are as human as he is. Please expand upon all aspects of Alaeddin's struggles in relation to the king's own. Compare and contrast their similarities and differences.
Essay Topic 3
In The Tale of The Three Apples, the circular nature and connectedness of the happenings in Chapter 3 could arguably imply that there is a higher intention or being in power that if tapped, will lead the way to freedom and an improved life. In what way is this kind of fate/faith-based lesson-telling indicative of the times during which these tales were compiled?
Please keep in mind historical background, Islamic culture, and advantages to the author for the purposes of developing Shahrazad and the king's relationship.
This section contains 1,124 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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